16 OCTOBER 1926, Page 1

The obduracy and folly of the miners' leaders have brought

about the result which every far-seeing person told them was bound to come. The dispute is indeed being " settled," but in a manner that does not deserve the name of settlement. The drift of the men back to work is becoming a rush and one wonders whether any. shreds of reputation and authority will be left to the Miners' Federation. On Thursday, October 7th, the Miners' Delegate Conference decided by a huge majority to reject the Government's offer of a National Arbitration Tribunal which would review district settlements. After that demented decision the Conference decided by another huge majority to recommend the withdrawal of the safety. men from the pits. It was also decided to try to bring about an embargo on the importation of foreign coal, to ask the Miners' Federation to order a cessation of outcropping," to arrange for a levy in support of the miners, and to send speakers to all the " black " areas.