M. Jules Simon has made a striking speech at Cette,
the keynote of which is, that the Republicans, once a militant body, are now a Government party, and should strive to make the Republic loved. The Republic is not a sect, it is the legal Government of the country. What it now needs is conversions among the people, such as have already been effected among the Deputies. When the Assembly first met, the Republicans were few and powerless, now they are the majority ; and though many have been sent up from outside, many more have come over to them. The next election will give them a definite majority in the Chamber, while the Bonapartists will not be powerful in the Senate. Under those circumstances, the Republic must live, and the reason of such a victory is the conciliatory disposition of Re- publicans, who have now to show " that under a Republic laws are inviolable, all citizens equal, all careers open to industry and capa- city, and an end made of the regime of courtezans and sharpers." One wishes, as one reads the speeches of the Republican passed Ministers, that all French Republicans could have a few months of office.