A Scene on the River Brent. Engraved by CHARLES TURNER,
from a drawing by W. COLLINS, R. A.
A very pleasing, Gainsborough-like bit of genuine English scenery, drawn with great truth and simplicity. Such sweetly picturesque spots, as much as the magnificent beauties of Italian scenery, endear our coma. try to the traveller and the artist as well as to the lover of nature. The mezzotint is clever and effective, and the print is one of the prettiest we have seen of its kind. A new name, that of LEGGATT, Cornhill, ap- pears as the publisher ; if he goes on in the same spirit as he has begun, we promise him success. He also puts forth another very clever little mezzotint of Belisarius, which is admirable for its clearness and bril. liancy of effect.
The Young Sailor.
The portrait of a handsome young midshipman, in the act of climb- log the rigging ; cleverly sketched, and in a bold style by JOHN HAT- TER, and ably lithographed by W. SHARP. It makes a striking and effective print.
"Shall I answer him ?"
The portrait of a modern belle ; a fine head, beautifully drawn, in a sketchy style, on stone, by W. C. Ross : the expression of the face, however, does not bear out the title ; and it would have been more pro- perly designated "The Portrait of a Lady."