16 OCTOBER 1830, Page 16



In Portman Square, the.Lady of Major Moos orr, of a son. In Park Street, Westminster, Lady MILMAN, of aeon.

On the 12th inst. the Lady of S. R. WORMS, Esq. at Hanover Terrace, Regent's

Park, of a son.

On the 5th Inst. at Portsmouth, the lady of Captain FREDERICK WnxerrArss, of the Royal Engineers, of a daughter: •

On the llthiust. at the Vicaragg;,:iWnking, Mrs. G. FoRLEY,, of a daughter.

On the 10th that, at Steining,. Mrs. WALKER, relict of the late 'J. WALKER Esq. 'Crownest, near Halifax; of a sore:stillthorn.

On the 13th inst. at 13ayfordbury,-Herts, the Lady of Lieutenant-Colonel Goon as Buxsa, of a son. MARRIAGES.

On the 9th inst. at St. James's Church, the Rev. Jong GRIFFITH, Fellow of Emanuel College, Cambridge, and Prebendary of Rochester, to MARY ELIZABETH, only daughter of the Rev. James Barker; of Hildershadi Hall, lathe county of Cam- bridge. At Kensington, WILLIAM WHIM FOLLETT, Esq. of the Inner Temple, barrister- at-law, to JANE MARY, eldest daughter of the late Sir Hardinge Gifford. At St. George's Hanover Square, on the 9th inst. Lieut.-Colonel A. MAC DONALD, Royal Artillery, to SUSAN Fox STRANGWAys, eldest daughter of the Hon. and Rev. Charles Strangways.

Sept. 25th, at Gordon Castle. GEORMANA HuNTLY GORDON, to A. M. M'CaAs, Second son of the late W. Gordon M'Crae, Esq. Dumfries. •

On the -12th inst. at Henlow, Bedfordshire, W. J. GOODEyE, of Clifton, Esq. to Lady FRANcEs Jeanata. Ea sxIXE, eldest daughter of the late, and sister to the pre- sent, Earl of Mar. • At Chichester, on the 12th inst. the Rev. CECIL JAMES GREENE, vicar of Hemp-

mett. to ELLZA, eldest daughter of William 1Vequelin, Esq. of Northgate, Hants, in . . that city. At Newtownhamilton Church, Mr. WILLIAM PEppER, of Newtownhamilton, to BIM MARY CLARE, widow of the late Mi. James Clark, of Cortamlet ; their joint ages amount to 140 years

By special IfeenCe, at Lower Mount Street, Dublin, by the Rev. Sir George Wil. liam Bishopp;Bart. and afterwards by the Most Rev. Dr. Murray, R. C. Archbishop of Dublin, Captain the Hon. Joni.: LAWRENCE VAUGHAN, 60th Rifles; second son of the Right Hon. the Earl of Lisbarn, t:0 MARY JOSEPHINE Roc its, daughter of Henry O'Shea, Madrid, nieee to -Mrs. Howly, Limerick, and co-heiress of the late General Sir Philip- Keatinge Roche, K. C. B.

On the 13th inst. at Deal, 'Sir PETER SoAME, Bart. of Heydon Hall, Essex, • to MARY, daughter of the late William Bradehaw, Esq.

' On the 12th inst. at Creeting. St. Mary's, Suffolk, the Rev. RUSSELL Rica:urns, of Datchett, Chaplain to his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex, to CAROLINE ANNE. eldest daughter of the Rev. John Briggs, Fellow of Eton College, and Rector Of Creeting. ' On the 14th inst. at St. Luke's, Chelsea, Lientenant.Colonel STRETTON, of Len. ton Priory, Nottinghamshire, to ANN, youngest daughter of Richard Hindcock, Esq. of Athlone, and niece of Viscount Castleman.

On the 14th inst. at St. George the Martyr, Jong, second son of the late Joseph Seeley, Esq. of the Exchequer, to Lucy, only daughter of the late Thomas Stone, Esq. of Highworth, Wilts. • On the 14th inst. at Sherfleld, JOHN JAMES VAUGHAN Esq. B.A. of Merton College Oxford, and eldest son of the Hon. Hr. Baron Vaughan, to Lucy, eldest surviving daughter of Paynton Pigott, Esq. of Archer Lodge, in the county of Southampton. DEATHS.

On the 7th inst. at Bromley, Kent, Mrs. SARAH ACTON, relict of Samuel Acton, Esq. late of &unwell, in her S3d year. . On the 8th Inst, at his seat, Whybridge Hornchurch, in Essex, Caarsyorusa TYLER, Esq. in his 851h year. On the 9th Inst. at Barsham, Suffolk, HORACE GEORGE SUCKLING, Esq. eldest son of the late Rev. Horace Suckling, rector of that parish, in his 29th year. On the 7th inst. at Athlone', Major GLEDSTANES, of the 68th Light Infantry. . On the 2d inst. at his residence at Maryland Point, Stratford, Hexer LuSEY, Esq. In his 74th year. At his seat, Brandrlm, Monaghan, on the let inst. Maroa SKEFFINGTON, HAMILTON. On the 25th ult. at Tarn Lodge, near Carlisle, Capt. WiLLIA31 Motnecar, of the Royal Navy, in his 64th year. On the 12th inst. at Newark, WILLIAM BRODRIllt, Esq. barrister-at-law, and a Member of the Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn. .. On the 13th inst. in Bolton Street, aged 23, EDWARD AGMONDISHAM YESES', Esq. of his Majesty's Treasury, only surviving son of the late Major-Gen. J. Agmon. disham Vesey.,

At Corunna, ANN, wife of Richard Bartlett, Esq. his Majesty's Consul at Co- nlin&