Sroca Ex cm-txcs, FRIDAY Evs:rrirc.—The settlement of the October account, which took place yesterday, was effected with less difficulty than was expected, and
discovered an unlooked-for quality in the majority of recent speculations, which turned out to have been undertaken for a rise in prices, instead of for a fail as was lately supposed. The immediate effect of this was a slight depression of prices, and a demand for money, which commanded a continuation of from 4 to 16ths, or about it per cent. per annum,—no great rise certainly, but yet very much higher than it was a fortnight back, when one half per cent, could hardly have been obtained. The highest price of the week was 87 for Consols, and the lowest 86.
Yesterday it was 866 and 866, arid to-day it remained steadily at 861 to 6 for money, and 868 for the November account. There seems to be a pause among the specu- lators, who do not now appear to entertain any very confident opinions either way as to future prices ; and from what we have observed of this week, we should rather be disposed to augur more favourably than we did last week.
Favourable expectations being generally entertained of the measures of Governs ment, both in respect to domestie and to foreign affairs, which Would speedily lead to a more flattering state of things in our Stock Market, but for the apprehensions which the unsettled state of the continent continues naturally enough to excite.
In the Foreign Market no very material change has occurred since our last report Prices are not higher, but sales or purchases can now be effected upon better terms. Russian fluctuates between 97 and 98; and Danish between 63 and 64.
BrazilianBonds have been at sn or g, but are now 641; Mexican continue verY firm at 378, and Colombian are worth about 19; Peruvian very difficult of sale at 161 ; Spanish Bonds have been at 2n and 201, and closed this afternoon at 21f. The speculators in these are very unwilling to relinquish their hopes, which, how- ever, are evidently giving way, and, generally speaking, they are not of that de- scription who can afford to wait much longer.
The Share Market has been in much the same state this week as the last, but at the close of to-day wore a rather improved aspect.
SATURDAY, HALF-PAST TwEovE.—There has been little business doing all the morning. Consols for money 866 -6, and for November 866, alternately buyers and
sellers. • of a bargain worth mentioning. In the Foreign Market we have not heard Bank Stock .... 2112 3 per Cent. Bed. 86 856 :3 per Cent. Cons. 866 6 Si per Cent. New 966- 6 Consols for Acct. 866, Long Annuities 18 1-1611; Ex. Bills, 1000/. 65 63 India Bond;.... 54 2 Brazilian .. 64 f attenos Ayres. .. 23 25 . .. 23 24 Colombian ... . .
Danish...... . . 1Si 19f 626 6:3f Greek.... . 30 f Mexican ...... . 378 I Peruvian.. ... .. 168 17 Portuguese.... . 56 58 Russian 97 Spanish.. 21f f Ditto, New
Bolanas 90 100 Brazilian . 64 GG I Columbian ... . 7+ Sf I Anglo Mexican 33 34 United Mexican 13 6