The Horse Guards have issued a circular informing all persons
interested what a soldier's career really is. He receives, say the authors of this document, board, lodging, clothing, and 2s. 6d. a week to begin with, and after three years' 3s. id. per week. He has good medical advice, he is taught well, he has a chance of a non-commissioned officer's berth, and "after twelve years' service he may leave the Army." Lord William Paulet does not add -that if he quits it before that time he is shot, that he cannot marry, that his chance of dying in India is about three times as great as if he were a ploughman, that if he is invalided under ten sears he gets nothing, that he will never be mentioned in a de- spatch, and that if he gets any prize-money he will be kept out of it for about nine years. Let Government offer men a shilling a day "and all found "—footboy's wages—liberty to marry as in the Marines—that is, without liberty to take their wives with them on board ship—and the right of resignation at twelve months' notice, and they may have the pick of the labouring men. If they will pay less than that, they must offer careers.