Some attempts of the Conservatives in Paris to sow division
between M. 'Tiers and 111. Guizot, through the medium of a person in Paris who is a constant correspondent of King Louis Philippe, had completely failed. On Friday last, his Majesty took occasion to declare to a leader of that party, that he was perfectly satisfied with the present Adminis- tration ; adding, that M. 'I'hiers fully concurred in his own views respecting domestic as well as foreign policy ; and that, moreover, any change in the Cabinet at this moment would inevitably be attended with disastrous consequences. Fresh corn-riots had occurred in several parts of France. Fires by incendieries were also becoming alarmingly frequeut.
All the accounts received in Paris from the provinces announce the occurrence of rain, and the consequent removal of alarm for the stand- ing crops, which had become general.
A letter written by Soliman Pacha, (the French Colonel Selves,) and dated Beyrout, ins the beginning of April, states that Ibrahim Pacha
had announced his intention of marching. into Anatolia, should the
European Powers not have adjusted the differences between Turkey and Egypt in the course of the month of May. The exhaustion of his exchequer, and the difficulty, nay, impossibility, of procuring provisions for his army in the vicinity of Mansell, independeatly of other con- siderations, rendered this forward movement imperative on the Egyp- tian army.
A fire has just taken place in the forest of \'ierzon, in the Cher, -which consumed 1,001) acres of wood before it could be checked.— Go/int/wins .1/ego :We".