16 MARCH 1962, Page 16


Sta,—Believing implicitly as 1 do that

(a) purely architecturally, London is one of the ugliest cities in the world; (b) 'the Metropolis' and 'Home Counties' are about the most snobbish terms I've ever heard; and (e) London is monstrously overcrowded and ludicrously oversized, suggest that Londoners (a) blow London up and rebuild it in the mag- nificent Victorian style of Central Glasgoe.

(b) try to forget that London is the capital of the Empire, and look at it for what it is- a decadent hole; and

(e) fight for the retention of the LCC tooth-and- . nail before the Government's crack-pot Greater London Council takes over, with flamboyant and magnificent disregard for human feelings (Croydon, West and East Ham. all County boroughs, to become part of London!).

The day will come when Birmingham will just be another ' north-western suburb of Greatest London.

COLIN II. MacK AY Merry flans House, 1299-1301 Govan Road, Merry flails, Glasgow, SW!