16 MARCH 1918, Page 10


[To THE Enrroa or THE " Specreroa."1.

SIR,—May I be permitted to point out to your correspondent " Bones," who wrote under the above heading, that if he turns to the invaluable pages of the current Whitaker he will find the male population of England and Wales and Scotland given as 19,754,447, and of Ireland as 2,192,048, according to the Census of 1911 ? On January 14th, 1918, Sir A. Geddes, in the House of Commons, is reported to have said that the British Empire has provided for the armed forces of the Crown over seven and a half millions of men, of which England •had provided 60 per cent., Scotland 8 per cent., Wales 34 per cent., total, 714 per cent.; Ireland 24 per cent., Dominions and Colonies 12 per cent., India and the Dependencies 14 per cent. Now, 714 per cent. of seven and a half millions is 5,382,500, and 24 per cent. of seven and a half millions is 187,500. If we compare these totals with the male populations given above, we find that England, Scotland, and Wales have given 27 per cent. of their males, and Ireland has given 8 per cent. of her males. Therefore 19 per cent.—i.e. 406,480— is due from Ireland to equalize matters.—I am, Sir, &c.,