16 MARCH 1878, Page 1

The only news of importance in the Eastern Question comes

from Vienna. Count Andrassy has obtained his six millions from the Delegations of the two Parliaments, by speeches which, as reported, are hardly intelligible. He says distinctly that the Peace of San Stefano is not acceptable to the Austrian Empire, threatening some of its great interests. He also stated what those interests were, but this part of his speech was confidential, and lias not oozed out. It follows that Austria is prepared to resist something or other, but it is not certain what. He also stated that he disapproved the annexation of Bosnia and the Herzegovina —whither 50,000 turkish troops have been sent—but did not deny that military occupation of those provinces might become a necessity. He also assured the Austrian Delegation, which de- sires peace, that the money should not be expended unless it were unavoidable. Altogether, the Count leaves the impression that he is negotiating with Russia, and quite inclined to threaten, but is not yet certain what the final decision of his Emperor will be. We still believe that a great deal of the dispute is unreal, and that the Hapsburgs will be forced by their visible and permanent interests to occupy the two provinces.