Arotivsn-At Gravesend, 11th lust. J. W. Dare, Ellis, from Calcutta ; 1311., Thomas limit. Watson, from the Cape ; and lone. Stewart. from Mauritius ; 14th, Westbrook. Linuiugton, from Singapore ; and Promise, Gaymer ; and Agrippina, Rogers, from Mauritius. In the Downs. 14th, Ann, Squire, from Sydney ; Euphrates. Wilson ; and Claudiue, Norris, from China ; Sir R. Peel. Richardson. from Manilla ; Rambler. Hutchinson, from Calcutta ; Calder, Kenuedy, from Madras ; and Amelia Mulhol- land. Evans. from Mauritius. Off Dover. 10111, Mary Catherine. Taylor. from China. Off Dartmouth. 14th, Isabella Wood, Dunn, from Ceylon ; anti Margaretta. —, from Batavia. At Liverpool, 10th. Champiou, Steele ; and 12th, Peru, Campbell. from Mauritius. In the Clyde, 8th, Eliza Leishman. Dickson ; and 11th, Mary, Kelso, from Mauritius. At Dundee, 3d ditto, Thetis. White, from Dundee. At St. Helena. previous to the 31st January. Mary Ann, Hutton, from China; Beulah, Patou. from Bengal; Elizabeth. Law; Mary. Mackie; and Barbara. Pores, from Mauritius. At the Cape of Good Hope, previous to 9th Jan. Roberts. Elder ; Mountain Maid. Allen ; Courier, Scott : and Wilmot, Ilxmhu, from London ; Carron, Henderson, from the Clyde; HamiltonRoss, Douglas, from Calcutta; and Lascar, Shedden ; and Argyra, Rees, from Ceylon.
SAILED.-From Gravesend, 8th March, Roseberry. Young, for Bombay ; and British Empire. Young, for Madras; and 10th. Sumatra. Duncan, for Ceylon. From Liver- pool. 14th ditto, Earl of Harewood, Atkin, for Madras. SATURDAV MORNING.
Anawso-At Gravesend, 19th init. Puma, Bennett, from Sydney. At Liverpool, 15th ditto. Beulah. Paton, from Calcutta. Semen-From Liverpool, ditto, Princess Royal, Hoodless, fur Calcutta.