16 MARCH 1833, Page 12

It was our intention to have presented a general account

of the Estimates in a distinct shape, as a sort of supplement to the Supplement on Public Expenditure. So little change has taken place, as to render this unnecessary. The only alteration of con- sequence is the junction of the Victualling Department with the Admiralty. All other changes are very trifling, and merely relate to matters of detail. Those who possess our Second Supplement, possess, for all useful purposes, the Estimates for 1833-4. What the differences amount to, will be seen from the following summary of the Army, Ordnance, and Navy Estimates for the Effective services in the expiring and ensuing years. The varia- tions that will be found between our total differences and those in the Government Accounts, arise from a few minor items and cer- tain dratvbacks, of which we have taken no notice, and from dis- crepancies which will of necessity occur in changing the form of such large accounts from the official to the intelligible. ARMY.

1533-4. 1835-3. Civil Departments X 94,627 £ 104,210 Land Forces 3,180,016 3,182,772 Staff 110,835 117,261 Garrisons 33,415 33.670

Volunteers and Yeomanry 103,318 99,607

Military Colleges, Asylums, 3:c. 20,282 25,520 £3,542,493 3,563,040 ORDNANCE.

Extraordi- 1533-4. 153_3.annoy. narics. Total. Total. £ £ £ £ 1,120 11,723 72.S43 79.166 8,965 37,403 46,368 56.809 0,876 7,118 17,994 21.468


,419 63,536 7e:45%; 87,377

2,555 8,470 11.025 11,557 4,316 98,088 122,404 126324 BARRACKS.

e• In Ireland In Great Britain In the Colonies

Total of Ordnance Civil Expenditure £122,751 226,333 349,089 383,961 £37,703 216,463 254,166 273,734 - -

16,902 79,168 96,070 107.978

10.062 56,323 66,390 70,280 10,739 80,967 91,706 95.476

5,010 51.645 28,374 313,133 314.369

554 1.266 9,866 9,894

129,719 129,719 174,546 129.719 538,336 586.893 383.964 273,73


£569,071 572,520 1,131,591 1,244,593 NAVY. 1533-4. 15324.

Civil Departments £147,9044 £138,304 Navy-

Wages of Seamen and Marines 921,175 923,175

Dockya rds 1 040,293 1,047.997

New Works and Improvements 63,700 77,000 Miscellaneous 50,380 79,453

Victualling 489,979 674,322

Extra Estimate for purposes not Naval 319,100 355.000 X3,032,531 3,295,251 • There is a profit this year of 6341. caused by an increase in the sums received from Gentlemen Cadets.

This apparent increase arises from the consolidation of the Departments. It is counterbalanced by the decrease on the Victualling. CIVIL DEPARTMENTS- Or

Establishments at Pall Mall, the Tower, and Touley Street 6 Establishments at Woolwich* Establishments at Dublin Academical Establishments at Woolwich Stations in Great Britain 14 Stations iu Ireland Stations in the Colonies 2 Total of Barracks MILITARY DEPARTMENTS- Total of all Ranks. 74 Gunners 243 Engineers 852 Sappers and Miners Artillery, viz.-

6,511 ',not

633 horse 5 Field Train 40 Medical Establishment

8.361 Total persons. MISCEM. ANEOUS

Civil and Military Contingencies

Total of Ordnance Military Expenditure £403,617

SUMMARY OF THE ORDNANCE. 122.751 226.338 349,089 37,703 216,463 254.166 408,617 129,719 538,336 Civil Departments Barracks Military £297,156 33,982 313,138 534 9.866 5,010 5,288 51,645 52.755 28,374 28,780