16 JUNE 1967, Page 16



1. Minimum number of players: two—one French and one British. Up to six other EFTA countries (Austria, Denmark, Ireland, Norway, Portugal, Sweden) may also take part.

2. Each EFTA player (including Britain) is presumed to be applying for full Membership, unless specific- ally opting for Association. Any EFTA player may do this at any time during the game; but once he has done it he cannot 'opt back' for full Membership until he has first achieved Association.

3. All EFTA players move up ladders and down snakes. France moves down ladders and up snakes. Any player shaking a six has an extra turn.

4. Any EFTA player reaching 'our enters the Common Market—vnless he has previously opted for Associa- tion, in which case he becomes an Associate Member.

5. When France reaches 'out' the leading EFTA player trying for full Membership is VETOED, and both that player and France return to 'START.'

6. Any player must throw the exact number required to reach 'out.' If he throws a higher number he must retrace his steps by the amount of the excess.

7. Any player landing on a square marked 'cancel move' must go back to where he was at the start of that move. Any player landing on a square marked 'double move' must go forward by the amount of his original move.

8. If France lands on a square already occupied by an EFTA player, other than Britain, the EFTA player misses a turn. If France lands on a square occupied by Britain, Britain goes back ten squares. No EFTA player, including Britain. may land on a square occupied by France: any move which would make him do so is cancelled.

9. Any EFTA player, on gaining Associate Membership, may either retire from the game or else return to 'START' and try for full Membership. In the latter case he is granted immunity from VETO.

10. It is recommended that the players should agree on a TIME LIMIT of, say, not more than the life of a normal parliament before embarking on the game.

For a full understanding of the issues involved in nego- tiating Common Market entry, it is essential that this game is actually PLAY ED.