16 JUNE 1950, Page 16


Set by Gerard Fay

Mr. T. S. Eliot has explained the form of The Cocktail Party in these words : " I want people to be able to forget that they are listening to a poetic play. A present-day audience, which realises that it is listening to a play in verse, cannot be expected to have the right attitude to what I am trying to do." A prize of ES, which may be divided, is offered for a comment in not more than twelve lines of verse on this statement front one of the following : Shakespeare, Marlowe, Dryden, Whitman, Chesterton or Christopher Fry.

Entries must be addressed to the - Spectator, 99 Gower Street, London, W.C.1, in envelopes marked " Competition," and must be received nct later than June 23rd. Results will be published in the Spectator of June 30th.