The Dragooning of Austria The attempted interference of Germany in
the domestic affairs of Austria is a more serious matter, for in this case the German Government is involved, and Europe is presented .with the spectacle of a Great Power in Europe endeavouring to impose a, particular regime on a weak and struggling neighbour, partly through the fomentation of internal disorder, and partly by the use of illegitimate political weapons. The trouble began a month ago with the highly. .unwelcome visit of some Bavarian Ministers to Austria to attend a Nazi demonstration, As a conse-' quence of the friction engendered by that, and the vigorous attitude adopted by the Austrian Government, a prohibi- tive tax was imposed on Germans seeking to visit Austria —a deliberate and very serious blow at the lucrative tourist traffic in Austria. Since then the Austrian Nazis have shown themselves persistently and increasingly aggressive. On Monday an attempt was made to murder Herr Steidle, the Heimwehr leader, at Innsbruck, and simultaneously various bomb outrages were committed in Vienna. In consequence the Government has raided all the Nazi Brown Houses and claims to have obtained convincing evidence of widespread subversive activities. Finally, the Austrian authorities are expelling Herr Habicht, a Nazi member of the German Reichstag, who was sent to Austria to be " Inspector" of the Austrian Nazis and subsequently made: .Press: attache at the German Legation at Vienna. , The hitter appointment, which carries with it diplomatic immunity, failed, however, to command the necessary assent of the Austrian Government, and in, .retaliation for .,Herr Habicht's arrest the German Government has taken the outrageous. course of arresting Dr. Wasserhaeck, who has for years been Press attache at the Austrian .Legation in Berlin. Dr. Wasserbacek has inunediately been appointed to London, where he will filly welcomed.