16 JUNE 1849, Page 11


STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The settlement of the Consol Account was on Tuesday on Wednesday the books of the Three per Cent Consols closed for dividend; and speculators who bad sold in anticipation of a fall were obliged to provide stock for delivery. Under the demand thus created, the price of Consols for Money rose to 924 and for Ac- count to 924. A trifling decline occurred yesterday, occasioned by the unfa- vourable news from Paris. Today the high prices have been restored; the letters from Paris received this morning stating that the apprehension of outbreak bad abated, and a rise of nearly 24 per cant having occurred in the French Funds yesterday. Transactions in Consols for Money are at an end till the 6th July; bat the price for Account is 914 a ox-dividend—equivalent to a quotation of 924 4 with dividend. The advance in price since Saturday is therefore about 14 per cent. The rate of discount is rather higher, and there is a slight indi- cation of an increased demand for money: but as the disturbed state of the Con- tinent operates to drive capital for investment to this country, the firmness of our Funds is not at all surprising.

In the Foreign Market, the Dutch Bonds continue to advance, and are from to 1 per cent higher than our last quotations. Russian Bonds, which were at par, have since been done at 101: these securities appear still to be depressed by the impending Russo-Austrian loan, of which as yet nothing definitive appears to be known. The American Securities, especially those of the United States, are rising in estimation: considerable investments have lately occurred in the State Stack, though the local State Debts are still generally suffering from the taint of repudiation. Mexican Bonds, which were heavy, have experienced an advance of more than 1 per cent from the lowest prices. The last advices from Mexico speak of a plan fur converting the debt into a Three instead of a Five per Cent Stock; but as that is accompanied by an intended apportionment of 4,000,000 dollars out of the United States indemnity to pay the arrears of dividend, it is considered favourable, and its agitation has given increased value to the stock. The South American Stocks are without material change. The conversion of the Peruvian Bonds goes on slowly. Up to last Saturday the total amount of Bonds sent in to be exchanged was 1,402,0001.; leaving 397,8004 or rather more than one-fourth of the whole, outstanding. The amount of unacknowledged Bonds is 5,8001.; and as all the stock recently sent has been genuine, it is fair to suppose that the whole extent of the fraudulent issue of bonds has been developed. here is no change of importance in the Peninsular Stocks.

In the Railway Market, the business has not been more extensive than usual, and the prices of the principal lines are nearly the same as last week. There is a slight flutter among the brokers and dealers interested in Eastern Counties Shares, as this is the day fixed for the election of the new list of Directors pro- posed by the Committee of Inquiry: there is no doubt, however, that the recom- mendation of the Committee will be carried into effect. The French Shares, when at the lowest, were generally about 15s. per share below our last quotation: today, in consequence of the improved appearances in Paris, they have quite recovered their lost ground.

The accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending the 9th June exhibit, when compared with those of the preceding week, the following restilts-

BANieteo DEPARTMENT. Increase. Decrease.

Rest —

445 Pahl e Deposits 4640,407


tither Depsztts

181,628 Seven-day and other Bills

9,918 Government Securities, including Dead-weight

— Other Securities

101,154 Notes unissued 455,820 — Actual Circulation

239,185 Lams DurAstrisztrr.

Notes issued ,, 216,635

13Wlion 210,786

Tkirweek. Last week.

Total Bullion in both Departments 14,652,762 14,441;977 Actual Circulation 18.122,160 18,361,345


The French Funds experienced a further improvement in Paris yesterday, the closing quotation of the Five per Cents being 85 40. Our own market is con- sequently looking up; the opening price of Consols for Account being 914, and the present quotation 914 4. The business of the morning has been unimportant. In the Foreign Market, prices are nominally the same as yesterday; there is, however, a better demand for most kinds of stock at current quotations, in con- sequence of the firmness of the English Funds. The Railway Snares are without any material change, Eastern Counties not being affected by the vagaries of the proprietors at the meeting yesterday. The French Shares are higher: Northern of France which were yesterday at 94 being now 94.

3 per Cent. Consols shut Danish 3 per Cents 65 8 Ditto for Account 914 4 Dutch 24 per Cents 494 504

3 per Cent Reduced 914 4 Ditto 4 per Cents 154 64

34 per Cents 914 2 Mexican 5 per Cents 278 8t. Long Annuities 8 9-16 4 New Grenada 15 17 Bank Stock 1934 54 Portuguese N.4 per Cents 1842 27 8 Exchequer B1113 43 46 pm. ; Portuguese Old 1824 72 5 India Stock shut Russian 5 per Cents 100 2 Brazilian 5 per Cents 78 80 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents . 16'4 174 Belgian 44 per Cents 78 80 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 344

Cuenca Ayres 35 7 Venezuela 23 5 .

Bhillan 6 per Cents 91 3