16 JUNE 1838, Page 6

Vic gictropolig.

The City Tories are exerting themselves to procure the election of two Sheriffs as well as a Lord Mayor of their politics, for the next year. - ... •

A Meeting was held on 1Ved—nesday at the City Of -roiidon 'tavern, to take means for enlarging the London Fever Hospital. The Earl of Devon took the chair ; and on the platform were some of the wealthiest citizens, and some persons of distinction from " the West end." The report on the state of the London Fever Hospital exhibited a defici- ency of means to meet the unusually numerous calls for assistance. It stated that fever had prevailed in the Metropolis during the last and present year, to an extent unknown since the foundation of the Hospi • tal " Many distitute pawns have unavoidably been sent back to their close and crowded dwellings; and the consequence has been that others have caught the iafection. lustauceD have happened in which the either, the mother, and the children, have all been swept off in the course of a few days. To prevent tis recurrence of such a calamity, and as much as lies in thew power to stop the progress of infectious fever, the Committee have determined to increase the Oat of the present Hospital, and extend its sphere of usefulness ; so that, as far u may be possible, every fever patient shall be admitted as soon as the infectious nature of the disease is ascertained. Thus, by removing the cause of infection and by purifying the apartments from which the patients have been removed: the Committee hope to contribute materially to the health of the Metropolis To prove how necessary the existence of the Hospital is to London and keen. virons, it will be sufficient to state, that during the last year, 945 persons af. fected with contagious fever were admitted into its words, and that during the present year nearly 500 have already been received. The Committee have to lament, that during this period a very large number has been unavoidably se. jected, on account of the crowded state of the building. Nor has infectious fever been confined to the dwellings of the poor; for it appears that out of the whole number of patients, a considerable proportion belonged to the clsnof domestic set vauts, many of whom wele connected with families of respeetsti. lity."

The funds of the institution consisted of 210/. interest of stock, and 0001. subscriptions; but the expenditure varied from 1,4001, to 1,6001. per annum—the deficiency being supplied by sales of stock, and occasional benefuctions. It was resolved to make immediate exertions to increase the funds and extend the operation of this useful clarity. Several subscriptions were announced, and, among them one of aoe from the Duke of Somerset.

A cleanable of the sewers in the parishes of Marylebone and Pancrae, in Holborn, Whitechapel, and Westminster, is in progress ; and the unhealthy state of the Metropolis renders such precautions highly ne- cessary.