16 JULY 1831, Page 14


Arrived-At Gravesend, July 14th, Lady East, Denny, from Bengal ; Henry, Bunny, from Van Diemen's Land ; and Forth, Robertson, from New South Wales. 15th, Lord Hungerford, Farquharson, from Bengal and Madras. Off the Wight, July 13, Royal Admiral, Fotheringham, fro.n New South Wales. At Liverpool, July 19th, Princess Charlotte, Al'Kean ; 13th, Herculean, Battesby; 14th, Columbia, Kirkwood, all from Bengal. At Bengal., February 17th, Georgiana, Tullis, from London. 1n-the Bay of Bengal, February 26th, City of Edinburgh, M'Kinnon, from Bristol. At Van Diemen's Land, January 28th, John, Nosworthy, from London. At Sydney, January 7th, Mary Jane, Banks ; 15th, Janet hat, Poe ; 30th, Resource, Shutterworth, all from Lcindon. February 7th, York, Leary, from ditto; lUtb, Czar, Russel, from Clyde ; 2211d, Sovereign, M`Kellar, front London. Sailed-From Gravesend, July 9th, Eliza, Sutton, for Bengal ; and Strathfield- say, Harrison, for Van Diemen's Land ; 10th, Victory, Biden, for Bombay ; 12th, Margaret, Beddle, for New South \Vales ; and Lady Raffles, Tucker, for Bombay; 13th, Duke of Northumberland, Pope, for Bengal ; 14th, Duke of Bedford, Bowen, for ditto ; 15th, Dunvegan Castle, Duff, for Mauritius. From Liverpool, July Sth, Brenda, Rewcastle, for New South Wales ; 10th, Liebe, Curry, for Batavia.'