16 FEBRUARY 1940, Page 6


THE fact that Lord Tweedsmuir—then, of course, John Buchap—was the originator of this column and the in- ventor of its heading is not among the greatest of his tides to fame, but it is the one which I may be forgiven for men- tioning first. He had been assistant-editor of The Spectator in the first decade of the century, and his return to its pages after a long interval was particularly welcome. There was no better judge in the world of journalism of the more serious type, and no commendation that has reached the present editor during his tenure of office has carried such intrinsic weight as the letters delivered at Gower Street now and then in the past four years from Government House, Ottawa, containing spontaneous appreciations of exactly those characteristics of the paper to which those responsible for it attach most importance ; the temptation to quote from them must obviously be resisted.