16 FEBRUARY 1889, Page 15



SIR,—The following story of friendship between two dogs may, I think, interest some of your readers. Some time ago, I used often to stay with a friend in Wiltshire, whose park is separated from the house by a lake which is about a hundred and fifty yards broad at the narrowest part. Being extremely fond of animals, I soon became intimate with two delightful dogs belonging to my hostess, a large collie, called Jasper,' and a rough Skye terrier, Sandie.' The pair were devoted friends, if possible always went out together, and, sad to relate, even poached together. One afternoon I called them, as usual, to go for a walk, and making my way to the lake, I determined to row across and wander about in the deer-park. Without thinking of my two companions, I got into the boat and pushed off. Jasper' at once jumped into the water, and gaily followed the boat ; half-way across, he and I were both startled by despairing howls, and stopping to look back, we saw poor little Sandie' running up and down the bank, and bitterly bewailing the cruelty of his two so- called friends in leaving him behind. Hardening my heart, I sat still in silence, and simply watched. Jasper was clearly distressed; he swam round the boat, and looking up into my face, said unmistakably with his wise brown eyes, " Why don't you go to the rescue ?" Seeing, however, that I showed no signs of intelligence, he made up his mind to settle the difficulty himself, so turned and swam back to forlorn little Sandie ;' there was a moment's pause, I suppose for explanations, and then, to my surprise and amusement, Jasper' stood still, half out and half in the water, and Sandie' scrambled on to his back, his front paws resting on Jasper's' neck, who swam across the lake, and landed him safely in the deer-park ! I need not describe the evident pride of the one,

or the gratitude of the other.—I am, Sir, &c., ROY.