16 FEBRUARY 1839, Page 9


Arrived—At Deal, Pith. 1.1111, 1'ark1101.1, Jacob, nom 1."•ina. Off 111,1Mcs, 13:11,

Ainwell, Hesse, :lout Nlatiritins. At Liverpool, 13th, Heart or M' I Pori Ala, fralll Mattritios. At St. Ilelena, previous to Dec. ::8111, Ridgy, att.1 Yarp, front Bengal, At the Cape, Dec, 2,1, Zenolda, Own, 11,112 and iU h, Priori,

from China. At ltouthay, ClytlestUle. Davis ; Bell; Ann. .leffery ;

and Balitur, Forster. from Liverpool; and Laity FeverNllam, W *ten nion. At Mathes. Dee. 311, Meng. 11*Dowall, fiorn Live.pool ; 13111. NV.,1,1,...or, Nesbitt ; 18th, Wellington, t. Repulse. Pr. et, ; 20th, 21s1, Duke of Argyle. Ihis1tm, ; 1 Mary Ann, Tarltim. from Lon.l.t.i. At Ilowal. D.T. 1st.

C:.therine, Eva.ts; 2,1, Cumpluol; Richmond, N1.1.etwd and :i 1. Troe Briton.

Beach, from London. lia■tella, 1)tekeissou, from 111■11; and Muting... from Liverpool; 4i h. Allertml. ('Barberton, from ditto; letit. St. 6.,ame. Wi1li:11M4, from Bristol; and E. Rti.isell, Worth, Gunn Eugtn.1 ; 1-101, .1.,Int from New- castle; 15th, Rohn. Fdlelter ; and 18th, lord Ilungerfov.1. Fargalco,on, from Loudon. SATI7ADAY Nit/REMO. Ares ed-In the Dowas, the BumLay, Wa.411; and Emma, Skelton, front Bengal.