16 FEBRUARY 1839, Page 7

Zbe Siartropolis.

At a meeting of the Court of Common Connell, on Thussdsy. letter was read frau Fox stating. that the Metropeihne Police Bill wmild embrace other desirable improvements in addition to the propos!! fopItt. the City of London Police force under the cant: aathorhy as th,li Iir w,..stoliuster and the Metropolitan Bonet., distriets eenerally.

Sir Matthew Wood was elected Governor of tile Irish Siicietv, and Mr. Biackett Deputy Governor, for the year ensuing.

Dr. Litsliiiigton was reiilected Member for the Ti ever Ifunilets on Monday, svithout oppesition. l'he Doctor ronuermed himself 6vour- able to an entire abolition of the Core-laws, and to :;ational Education on a plan not hostile to the Establislesl Chureh.

At a meeting of Southwark electors. at the Riding School in Binh:friars Rigid, on Tuesday, it was resolved to support 111r. flurvey., ill ease that gentleman's seat should lie declared veep:: in eii:essieet es of his acesquance of the (nee of Hackney Coach Tae;_t•i:-•tr.,... There was site :dispute at the tommeneemeat of the proeet,lil.gs am :he choirs'm'a chairman; but Mr. Benjamin Wind wits placul J m the chair by the majority, and the meeting separated la good humour. Mr Har- vey himself was received with universal applause.

The trienidal election of Deputies from the Three Deilotilinations of Dissenters tuck place on the Sth instaat ; after which a series of reso- lutions were pay-..d in favour of the abolition of Chureh-rates and other grievalicss Lu inch the Dissenters are subject.

The mentlic•rs if the :iii'ational Convention continue their daily sit-

tings, bin proess limns possess little iateresis .1 -moths: to recp:•int an early due to eserile: '• ulterior measures," in case the _:;;nil Pe- tition should. he rejscated, was negatived. Each I lals,sate Lu.ic been or- dered to make a report it the "moral. pditical. physieak and iatellec- teal st :to of the di-aries represented by hint."

allphitl:d to wait on Members of Parlianisso. It has is:ss resolved

als retril•sc•ase its/ !!;c .11ouse. C,inmolt4 .1 Mr. Pei: lien- tud'Ti'. Crabess, it era elected doorkeepers to the Convent's in but 3Ir. CuLbett has since withdrawn front the coneern, rsfashert c.,•!...dge him- self ti" ulterior nteasures."