THROUGHOUT the week the danger of the Prince of Wales has been the one absorbing topic. On Wednesday, the irritation in the bronchial tubes became so severe that suffocation appeared imminent, the physicians despaired, and the Royal Family were 'twice warned that the end was at hand. The Prince, however, was relieved by sickness, and on Friday obtained some sleep, and woke, it is said, conscious, though in a terrible state of debility. The official bulletins are still very cautious, but it appears to be admitted that there is ground for hope, that the Prince has out- lived the fever, and that the chief ground of apprehension now remaining is his weakness,--a weakness so great that it is reported the physicians ave considering the expediency of trying that very rare and interesting operation, transfusion. The authority for this statement, which appears in the Echo, is not given, and it may be the merest rumour, but it indicates accurately the most pressing cause of danger. According to the latest bulletin yet received, 5 p.m., Friday, the Prince had passed a tranquil afternoon, and 44 the symptoms continued favourable."