16 AUGUST 1828, Page 15

BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. Tharr, ns.-Or. the Oth, at Standigh-house',

Stromi, time Lady Emma Pcmiant, of a 11;,a,-Ider-On the 10th, at Upper Kennington-green, Mrs. Henry G. SIZWISPIOnidt, of a son-(Lm tile Otis, at l‘loor-park, Farnham, the Lady of.' G. H. Frecii tie, Esq. of the General Po:t-offi co, of a daughter, still-born-At Ballynavin-castle, county, Tip- perary, the Lady of -Robert C. D. Robinson, Esq. of twin daughters-On the llth, at Malvern Welk, thn lady of M.G. Benson, Esq.. of Lutwyche-ball, Shropshire, of a son and heir-At Greenhill, near Edinburgh, the Lady of George Forbes, Esq. of a SOD.

Mast:iu.vcE .4t Little Stantnore, :Middlesex, John Edward Willis, Esq. of Lin- coln's inn, Barrister at Law, and Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, to Sophia. Stuart, fourth daughter of the late Lient.-C en. Robert Bruce, of Elstree, Herts- At Bristol, Sir. W. sage, of Sandford, aged 70, to Sarah, younee,t daughter of Mr. C. Strode, of shield, ;wed 21-On the 4th, at Calder-house, by the Rev. Mr. Bell, of Linlithgow, William Ramsay Ramsay, Esq. of Bannon, to the Hon. III:try Sandi- lauds, only daughter of the Right Hon. Lord Torpichen-On the 12th, at St. Crowe's, Hanover-sou: Tv, by. the Rev. H. C. Ridley, Brampton Gurdon, Esq. eldest son of T.T. Curdon, Esq. of betton, Norfolk, to Henrietta, eldest daughter of NM. Ridley Colborne, Esq. 51.1'. of West Harting, Norfolk-On the 12th, at Sevenoaks, Stephen Becchiur, Esq. of Tunbridge Wells, banker, to Attune, second. daughter of Mr. Sanmel Green, of Sul-Falk-place, Sevenoaks-On the 12th, at Glyncle, John Henry Cottereli, Esq. eldest son of Sir John (leers Cutterell, of Garnows, to Miss Pyne Jugs!: Brand, daughter of the Hon. General Trevor.

DEATILI.-EiirabeIli, only daughter of the late Joseph Lefamt, Esq. of Duldin, niece to the late Right /ion. R.B. Sheridan, and sister to the Very Rev. the I [can of Emly-On the 9th, in cue:segue:ice of a fall from his horse. Simon Taylor, Esq. of Harley-street, sincerely and deservedly lamented-On the loth, at his i'ather's noose, Tate:Many, near Southampton, aged 28, Capt. W. Tim-oft, of his Majesty's Gist Light Infantry FoTiment-On the 12th, at Lambeth-terrace, in the 79th year of his nac, after a short but severe illness, Alexander Whitehead, Esq. formerly Secretary to his Majesty's Transport Board-At Alicant, in Spain. Charles Waring, Esq. his Majesty's Vice-Consul-On the 9th, at Malvern Welis, Worcestershire, whither Inc had gone for the recovery of his health, Morehouse Mel calfe, Esq. of Terrace- house, near Gainsborough, in ihe 53d year of his age-On the 12th, sincerely la- mented by her family and friends, in her cOth year, Dorothy, relict of Norrison Co- venial e, Esq. of Litnehouse.