The Queen's cousin, the Duke of Cambridge, has presided at
a meeting to celebrate the foundation of a model lodging-house near Golden Square for the working class ; and a dinner, much adorned by noble patrons, has raised a handsome instalment towards the funds ; the whole being a friendly concession to the earnest labours of Lord Ingestre in the cause. It is at all events an amiable re- creation. Perhaps the subject now deserves more general and energetic treatment than it can receive from dilettante labours. The possibility of rendering the abodes of the industrious classes healthy, commodious, and sightly, has been shown by the models in Spitaltields and St. Pancras ; and the object now should be to apply the models. It is understood that the improvements in Westminster comprise some arrangements in that way : but the works are slow; and the model ought to extend further than West- minster, and be included in the design for the successive improve- ments in the whole metropolis. There would be a .better chance of that result if all London were under one jurisdiction ; and as the Aldermen have at last announced what everybody knew, that London Corporation must be reformed,—as they have relieved us of their solemn veto, possibly a time maybe approaching when the Municipality may be made to accord with the actual state of