The Common Cause in Palestine
Germany's assault upon Poland and challenge to Great Britain has automatically solved, or at least shelved, some of our problems in Asia. Iraq came to a quick decision to sever relations with Germany, and this timely lead hastened a change of mind in Palestine, where now Arabs and Jews alike are rallying to the support of Britain. In Jerusalem a transformation as if by magic has come over the scene. Arab newspapers formerly disaffected have dropped their grievances against Britain and are supporting the democratic cause ; their Jewish opponents with equal promptitude have postponed their attacks on the White Paper plan and are concentrating on the issue which they accept as a greater one. The Jewish National Agency and National Council have started a registration throughout Palestine of Jewish men and women for national service. Hitler will have done at least one good service if he has enabled Arabs and Jews to forget their enmities. Striking evidence has been given of the clear understanding of the merits of the British and the German cases throughout the whole Arab world. Messages conveying hopes for the success of the British forces have come from the Sultan of Oman, the Sheiks of Koweit and Dabai and other representative Arabs. German propaganda in the East has misfired. German despotism does not win friends.