15 SEPTEMBER 1838, Page 21

A Disclosure of the Principles, Designs, and Machinations of the

Popish Revolutionary Faction of Ireland, by JOHN RYAN, Esq., fize. We received this volume some time since, and put it aside, as the kindest thing we could do by the author. As, however, he reiterates his demands for a notice, and with Irish pertinacity, we have no objection to say—that his principal object is to esta- blish a conspiracy amongst the Catholics of Ireland; that his evidence to prove it is an account of outrages quoted from Irish newspapers, and reprints of popular ballads; and that his ultimate remedy, minor ones failing, is the repeal of the Catholic Emanci- pation Act. Besides this, he favours the reader with an histo- rical sketch of Catholic machinations since the massacre under CHARLES the First, and paints the Irish "savages" partly by means of his own original observations, partly by extracts from writers of kindred notions. Such are the matter and form of Mr. RYAN'S book : his temper is that of a rabid Orangeman, conceal- ing his fury under an unctuous calmness; his logic sets reason at defiance; and his style is racy Milesian, a little sobered down.