[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sia,—Italian difficulties—real dangerous ones—in Abyssinia will perhaps date from now. It is one thing to facilitate an advance by the new technique of spraying a vesicant from the air on" a defenceless people far ahead, but quite another to live and move and have one's being in regions which must constantly be infected in order to keep them sub- missive. That is mustard-sauce also for the Duce which is sauce for the men of Gondar
But perhaps tht "-new. mill and school : yes, school ! " which Sir Leo Chiozza Money tells us so exultingly now exist in the latter place will be served, and attended, by mustard-irnmunes only. One wishes, though, that Sir Leo could acquaint us with his recipe !—yours faithfully,
Stockbridge, Hants. P. R. BUTLER, Lt.-Col. (Retd.I.