We are happy to state that the second and final conference for the re- gulation of the succession to the Danish throne was held at the Foreign Office on Saturday ; when a treaty, in which the young Duke of Glucks- burg was formally recognized as heir-presumptive to the crown of Den- mark and its dependencies, was signed by the representatives of the great European Powers who signed the protocol of the 2d August 1850 on the same subject, as well as by the Prussian Minister, who was not present at the signature of that protinsol.—Times, May 10.
A letter from Berlin states that the Duke d'Augustenburg has accepted the offer made by the Crown of Denmark to pay him an indemnity of 2,025,000 thalers (8,143,750 francs) for his property situated in the Duchies.
Baron Stratenus, who has been for many years Councillor of the Dutch Legation in London, has been appointed Chargé d'Affaires of the Nether- lands at the Court of Hanover and to the Manse Towns.
A despatch from Sir Harry Smith, addressed to Earl Grey from "The Camp, Blinkwater," and dated the 17th March, has been published in the Gazette. It is a long and interesting document, but we must be content with two passages. The first shows the generously loyal and unrepining spirit in which Sir Harry went on with his duty when degraded, and only awaiting his successor— "My Lord—I had the honour to receive on the let instant, at Bing Wil- liam's Town, your Lordship's despatch, No. 732, of the 14th January last, intimating to me that her Majesty's Government had deemed it an unavoid- able duty to relieve me from my present position ; that my Sovereign had ap- proved of the measure, and that my successor was immediately to leave Eng- land. At that period, however, such were the prospects of this war, and so rapid the progression towards that state of things which can alone perpetuate peace, (beat shown by the proclamation issued by me on the 6th of .February, and again enclosed,) that a sense of the duty which has guided me in the service of my Sovereign and country for so many years induced me to perse- vere in the preparatory steps I had taken for the expulsion from certain strongholds within the colony of the rebel Gaikari and Hottentots under the wily chief ilacomo, a renegade from the authority of his paramount chief Sandilli; as also for expelling the Gaika tribes from British Caffraria, and driving them over the Great Kei." [He then describes in detail the sue-
e motives which have dictated my determination have oessful opemtions against Itacome, of winch we gave the news last weeLl
The other passage is a characteristic reply to criticisms on the style of his previous accounts of the war— u/ am fully aware that I have been accused, during the progress of this campaign, of using the language of hyperbole in describing the numerous reecontres which have occurred, and in giving praise to the gallant officers and troops as well as burghers. Possessing, however, some experience in war, I must maintain that such is not the case. Troops acting in the open field expect not the stimulus of praise • the soldier sees his foe, and his British courage rises at each step ; but he who, after, perhaps, a night march of great length, has to ascend mountains or penetrate dense bush and ravines, fined probably with a daring and intrepid enemy, as resolute as athletic, ready to murder any one who may fall into his hands, and whose warfare is of the most stealthy and enterprising kind, appreciates the praise of his commander, because when his acts are conspicuously daring he is conscious he deserves it. He does his duty ; but human nature renders even the sol- dier's intrepid heart sensible of the approbation of his superior, which he is proud to know may reach the eye of his parents and friends."
Result of the Registrar-General's return of mortality in the Metropolis for the week ending on Saturday last.
Ten Weeks 0( 1341-30.
Week of 1831.
Zymotie Diseases 1,786 .... 193 Dropsy, Cancer, and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat 451 48
Tuberelllar DiSetiSts9
1,875 190 Diseaws of the Brain, Spinal Marrow, Nerves, and Senses. 1,134 .... 106 Diseases of the Heart and Blood-vessels 315 37 Diseases of the Lungs, and of the other Organs of Respiration 1,364 .... 168 Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, and other Organs of Digestion 690 .... GO Diseases of the Kidneys, &e
Childbirth, diseases of the Uterus, ite 119
Rheumatism, diseases of the Bones. Joints, he. 89
Diseases of the Skin, Cellular Tissue, Ste. 10
Malformations 27 3 Premature Birth 206
Atrophy 179
Age 439
Sudden 82
Violance,Privation, Cola, and Intemperance 194
Total (including unspecified causes) .
8.980 972
In the year 1851 the immigration into the United States is estimated at 500,000 persons ; 289,601 landed at New York—of these 163,256 were Irish, 30,742 English, and 7502 Scotch. To the British North Aorierican Colonies the emigrants were 41,076.
The son of a Liverpool gentleman, writing home from the Australian gold-diggings, states that in three weeks he succeeded in getting 150 pounds of gold • which, at the rate of 3/. per ounce, would be worth 7200/. sterling, or 24001I. a week.—Lireepool Mercury.
Some children were engaged at play, and one was dragging a wash-trough on wheels. In the trough was an infant aged about sixteen months. A horse and cart were passing along the road, and the child who was drawing the trough, seeing the cart advancing, abandoned it in the middle of the road. The horse (a blind one) stepped in the trough, and literally stamped out the poor infant's brains.—Cambridge Chronicle. An Irish soldier a the Sixty-seventh Depot, atpresent quartered at Dover, " confessed " while confined in the guardhouse for drunkenness, that he is the murderer of Lord Norbury, the nobleman who was shot in his park some ten years ago. Inquiries have been made, and it would seem that the tale is an entire fabrication.