The Great Western steam-ship arrived at Liverpool at eight o'clock
last evening, having left New York at two o'clock on the 1st instant. The news she brings is unimportant. President Tyler seems to preserve the confidence of the late Presi- dent's party, and to be gaining the good opinion of all. He had re- ceived the diplomatic corps to compliment him on his accession to office : M. Bodisco, the Russian Minister, was the spokesman, in the absence of Mr. Fox, who was indisposed. In his reply, the President expressed an earnest desire to maintain the friendly relations now sub- sisting between the United States and the countries represented by his diplomatic visiters. Congress was to assemble on the 31st May. In the House of Assembly of New York State, a debate upon the case of Mr. M'Leod took place on the 19th April, on the motion of a Mr. Hoffman, a locofoco, for the release of Mr. M`Leod ; Mr. Hoffman holding it to be inconsistent with the national honour to continue Mr. M`Leod in prison after the Government of Great Britain had taken the affair of the Caroline upon themselves. The debate, however, led to nothing.
Commercial affairs had slightly improved.