14 JUNE 1945, Page 14


Sra,—I was glad to observe that Janus took occasion to criticise Mr. Attlee's reference to Professor Hayek's " admirable "- The Road to Serfdom. Professor Hayek, an Austrian by birth, has incidentally been a naturalised British subject since 1938, and Tooke Professor of Economic Science and Statistics at London University since 1931. Mr. Attlee spoke of him as supplying ideas to the Conservative Party, but that the welcome given to the book was not confined to one party only is shown by the fact that arrangements were made for a Liberal reception in the Professor's honour last year, in which I was asked to take part. Un- fortunately, the flying-bomb attacks intervened, and this event, like many other public gatherings ht that period, did not take place. I also recall that, at the last annual meeting of our local Liberal Association, more than one speaker used The Road to Serfdom as his text-book.—Yours