15 JUNE 1861, Page 9



THE rate of money in Lombard-street has ruled close to the Bank minimum throughout the week ; in the Stock Exchange it has com- manded a higher figure, on account of the abundance of English Stock, caused by sales for the Government, in order to reimburse the holders of Exchequer Bills. This abundance at one moment caused Consols to change hands at the low price of 89k; subsequent purchates, how- ever, by the public, have caused a little reaction, and the present price

is 90 for Money, and 90k, 901 for Account, 10th July. The Indian Five per Cent. Loan maintains its price very well in the face of the approachingnew issue of 4,000,0004 ; the quotation has fluctuated - between 98 and 99, within which limits it will probably be negotiated ; the last price this evening is 98k, 981.

In the Foreign Stock Market, Mexican has risen to per cent., and an advance of 2 per cent. has taken place in Turkish Stocks this afternoon, upon the announcement of 20,8001. having been received as a first instalment under the new arrangement, on behalf of the divi- dend on the loan of 1858 ; the Old Six per Cents close 72, 72k, and the New, 564 57. Foreign R/lways have ben firm. Lombardo - Venetian, after advancing to f dis., close I dis. exactly. An improvement is recorded in the Algerian Railways, caused by the pending bill before the French Chambers, the effect of which will be to materially improve the posi- tion of the Company. English Railways have been almost without change ; the Traffics on the one hand show a falling off in most cases, and on the other the present fine weather must increase the passenger traffic, and is worth millions to the country in other respects. A decided improvement in. the tone of the Railway Markets in general is shown this afternoon, and prices are all higher.