15 JULY 1893, Page 18


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."' Sin,—For several years, by the generosity of your readers, our committee have given a day in the country to thousands of poor, and in many cases orphan and sickly, East-London children, who, without such help, would not have known a single day's country holiday during the whole year. The entire cost, including a substantial meal, is under Is. per head. May we hope for the practical sympathy of your readers again this year P The enclosed statement—audited duly by chartered accountants—of our vast and varied work here in3 East London, amongst all classes and nationalities, will, I think, tell its own tale. Every gift, great or small, will be promptly acknowledged by—Yours, &o., J. W. ATKINSON, (Twenty-four years Latimer Church, E.) Claremont, Cawley Boad, London, E.