We have much pleasure in noticing the third volume of
The Exposi- tor, edited by the Rev. Samuel Cox. (Hodder and Stoughton.) Mr. Joseph Hammond continues his difficult task of defending the "Vin- dictive Psalms." We cannot pretend to estimate in any space at our command the value of his attempts, but we may say that they have at least this element of success in them,—that they start from the rational principle that there is a gradual development of spiritual knowledge and life in the Bible, and that one must not look for a thoroughly Christian spirit in Old-Testament writers. There is an interesting article on the "Style of St. Peter," by Mr. J. Rawson Lumby. and the editor himself undertakes the task, not indeed of apologising for, but of reducing to
something like human proportions the guilt of the offender whom St. Paul ordered to be cast forth from the Corinthian Church. The volume is full of interesting matter.—Of a humbler character, yet not without in- terest and value to students and preachers, is the Clergyman's Maga- zine, conducted by members of the Church Homiletical Society. (Hodder and Stoughton.) Outlines of sermons, articles on ancient preachers, essays on subjects connected with preaching, and a variety of miscellaneous matter combine to make up a volume of no small merit.