15 JULY 1854, Page 19


Tuesday, Judy 11.

PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Lidgate and Munro, Wine Office Court, Fleet Street, carpenters-Norris and Campbell, Liverpool, watch-manufacturers -btead and Marsden, York, cotton-spinners-Castle and Co. Bristol, attornies ; as far as regards C. Castle-Greaves and Itamsden, Bradford, Yorkshire, manufacturers-Halls- worth and Son, Stalybridge, machine-makers-Horner and Son, Clementhorpe, York, wood-merchants-Bramall and Harropp, Manchester, woollen-merchants- Jones and Hughes, Menai Bridge, cheese-factors-Thornton and Co. Liverpool, grocers ; as far as regards H. Cowan-Fox and Co. Upper Thames Street, mer- chants; as far as regards F. K. Pulford-Fletcher and Co. Cromford, Derbyshire, coal-merchants-Beet and Co. Sheffield, merchants; as far as regards W. Griffiths- H. and E. Ashworth, Egerton Mills, Lancashire, cotton-spinners-Limbrey and Whitehead, Beckford Row, Wahvorth Road, cheesemong,ers-Addison and Thom- son, Rheidal Terrace, Islington, linen-drapers-Weston and Bowser, Silver Street, shirt-manufacturers--Taylor and Mannock, Oldham, cotton-spinners-Howell and Son, Bristol, timber-merchants-B. and J. Gardner, Banbury*, ironmongers-Med- ley Brothers, Old Broad Street, stockebrokers-Leaks and Co. Bristol, tobacco- manufamnrers -Swallow and Co. Manchester, merchants-Bockett and Cowburn. Lincoln's Inn Fields, attornies - Garnett and Moor e, Liverpool, millwrights-I:Learn and Son, Deptford, grocers-Smith and Shiers, Manchester, commissiou-agents-- G. It. and It. Waistell, Noble Street, warehousemen-White and Brace, New Bridge Stieet, Blackfriare, patent-capsuled-blacking.manufacturers-Tawell and Co. Earl'. Coins, Essex, limn-drapers; as far as regards W. Tawell -Turner and Sons,Portaea, drapers; as far as regards G.. Turner-Syddall and Mosforth, Manchester, doctor. manufacturers-Jackrion and Hutchinson, Chorlton-upon-litedlock, brewers-Cob and Osborne, New Charlton, Kent, bakers-Pound and Hudson, High Street, Bow, coke-contraelora-Smith. and Parlett, Francis Street, Tottenham Court Road, chair. makers-J. and A. Denniatoun, Glasgow ; A. Dennistoun and Co. Liverpool; Dew nistoun, Wood, and Co. New York; A. and J. Dennistoun and Co. New Orleans; snot Dennietoun, Brothers, and Co. Melbourne ; as far as regards W. C. Mylne.

BANICIMPTSt-BODHAM Braun' WISNER, Death Street, Holborn, tailor, to render July, 21, Aug. 24: solicitors, Sole and CO. Aldermanbury; Hicks, Gray's Inn Square; official assignee, Carman, Aldermanbury-Jaires, WILLiam, and En- waam TRIGGS. Southampton, upholsterers, July 17, Aug. 25 solicitors, Paterson, Bouverie Street; Mackey, Southampton ; official assignee, Cerium, Aldermanbury- Jamas SWALLOW, Maidenhead, corn-merchant, July 20, Aug. 22 : solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers ; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court -Geoncur Sewmr. Ganarr,Aaiesbury Street, Clerkenwell, grocer, July 24, Aug. 22: soliatitor, Rose, Salisbury Street, Strand; official assignee, Lee, Moorgate Street-Giovanni


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chants Jul )94 A4g. 22: solicitorsLawrenceanCo. d es C ambers;

official assignee, Lee, Moorgate Street-JOHN ADAMS, Lorigton, staffordshire, china-manu- facturer, July 21, Aug: 18: solicitors, Wright and CO. Birmingham ; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham-70ns DAVID NEILL and Ilessav bANDERSON, Liverpool, ship-brokers, July19, Ang. 14: solicitor, Holden, Lis-crimp; official assignee, Mor- gan, Liverpool.

DIEIDENDS.-Aug. 3, Chambers sen. and jun. New Bond Street, bankers-Aug. 1, Byrnes, Queen's Buildings, Knightsbridge, eheesemonger-Aug. 8, Peters, South- ampton, draper- Aug. 2, Proekter and Co. Rochdale, cotton-spinners -Aug. 3, Milne, Manchester, grocer-Aug. 3, Ewbank, Manchester, share-broker-Aug. 3, Back- house, Liverpool, glass-dealer-Aug. 1, Rizzi, Leeds, loisting-glass-matinfacturer- Aug. 1, Lees, Halifax, woollen-manufacturer-Aug. 3, Brownnig, Bristol, cpbinet- maker.

CERTIFICATE/I.-To Sc granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-Aug. 2, Wright, Thetford, Norfolk, butcher-Aug. 2, Hunt, Lupus Street, Pimlico, builder-Aug. 3, Wells, Coventry, haberdasher-Aug. 3, Pateson, Preston, draper-Aug. 4, Wormald, Glossop, shoemaker-Aug. 2, Gladstone and Bond, Man- chester, brokers-Aug. 3, Norbury and Bindloss, Mancheater, silk-manufacturers.

DECLARATION OP Drvinmens.-Wilkinson, Cambridge Wharf, Pimlico, coal-mer- chant; first div. of Is. 6d. Wednesday next, and three follou nig Wednesdays; Ed- wards, Sambrook Court-Steam, 'pelvis's, plumber ; first die. of 8d. Wednesday next, and thrre following Wednesdays; Edwards, Sanibrook Court -Sprigass, Alder- manbury, warehouseman; first die. of 2s. hi. Wednesday next, and three 'following Wednesdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Steel. Norwich, tea-dealer ; first die. of 3s. 4d. July 13, and three following Thursdaa ; Stansfeld, Baguet:Ill Street-Ire- land, Bull, draper; second die. of 30. any Tuesday ; Carrick, Ilull-Guminery, Kidderminster, druggist ; first div. of 3$. any Thursday; Christie, Birmingham- Bough, Kidderminster, cornet-manufacturer; first die. ot 2s. July 13 and 20, and any alternate Thursday ; Bittlestow Birmiugham.

Barron SEOCESTRATIONS.-Leannouth, West Calder,' EdinIsurglishire, minister, July 19- Dykes, Glasgow, wright, July 20-Dickson, Glasgow, wine-merchant, July 20-Selater, Loanheal, Edinburghshire, grocer, July 19-Gaudie, Montrose, plumber, July 20.

Friday, July 14.

rearssasHirs DISSOLYED.-Strong aud Derry, Bingham, Nottingham, proprietors of a steam thrashing-machine-Joshua and Day, importers of foreign goods-H. and T. B. Beek, Needham Market, Suffolk, surgeons-Coalman and Burcham, Norwich, ironmongers-Tilley and Houlding, Ring Cross, Holloway, cheeseinongers-Wool- house, Brothers, York, saw-manufacturers; as far as regards B. J. Woolhouse- Wheatley and Poles, Rotherham, corn-merchants-Senior and Son, Dalton, York- shire, cloth-manufacturers- Itubeou and Doke, Liverpool, ship-brokers-Butt and Bishop, Nottingham, lace-manufacturers -Gillett and Dennis, Hull, hatters-Cope and Co. Manchester, wine-merchants ; as far as regards F. Cope-Thompson and Hampton, Bilston, Staffordshire, iron-wasters-Rhodes and Co. Oldham, cotton- spinners- Dunningtons and May, Bradford, Yorkshire, joiners ; as far as regards J. May- Maude and Co Wakefield, machine-makers ; as far as regards IL Moos-house -Bockett and Cowburn, Lincoln's Inn Fields, attornies-Morris and Henson, Duke Street, Adelphi, architects -Sadd and Napier, Lisle Street, Leicester Square, shoe- mercers-Wagstaff and Ladd, Walcot Place, West Lambeth, surgeons-Sykes and Oates, Halifax, tobacco-mauufacturers-larnell and Co. lsleworth, brewers ; as far as regards C. Parnell-Cooper and Sheldon, Macclesfield, silk-throwsters-Venables and Stephens. Worcester, grocers-Smith and Postans, Enfield, wine-tuerchiuns- Ward and White, Coventry, watch-manufacturers.

BAramerrev ANNIILLED.-WILLIAM LI mates PosrArai, Enfield, wine-merchant.

BANICHUPTS.-WARD Wesx Anus, Plymouth, ale-merchant, to surrender July 28 Aug. 25: solicitor, Wyatt, Gray's Inn ; official assisnee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-THOMAS STENHOESE, Friday Street, warehouseman, July 28, Aug. 24: soli- citor, Abrahams, Southampton Buildings ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-JAmes PURDY and Wu-Liam THOMAS Perm; King's Lynn, builders, July 22, Aug. 24: solicitors, hinder and Eyre, John Street, Bedford flow; Nurse, King's Lynn; official assignee, Cannan, Aldermanbury-TnomAs &aurae, Grosvenor Mews, Bond Street, coach-builder, July 21, Aug. 24: solicitor, Burkitt, Curriers' Hall ; of- ficial assignee, Canna°, Aidermanbury-Cumuss WHITE, Salisbury, upholsterer, July 21, Aug. 25; solicitor, Smith, Argyle Street ; officialassignee, Whitmore, Ba- singhall Street -Roma' Moeisox, Drury Lane, baker, July 21, Aug. 2i: solicitor, Harrison, Widbrook ; official assignee, Nicholson, Pasinghall Street-Geoace TENNANT, Market Street, Westminster, victualler, July 21, August 26: solicitor, Gant, Nicholas Lane; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street -WILLIAM and GEORGE Ream, Hibernia Chambers, London Bridge, provision-merchants, July 26, Aug. 28: solicitors, I.inklaters, Sise Lane ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman St. -WILLIAM Ha-may FLEMING, Camberwell, brewer, July 27, Sept. 5: solicitors, Reed and Co. Friday Street; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-CHRISTOPHER SrAsuisr, Barking, mast-maker, July 27, Aug. solicitors, Baddeleys, Leman Street, Goodman's Fields; official assignee, Lee, Moorgate Street-Jomx Saitrn and Luxe ASHBY, Crest Corea] Street, linen-drapers, July 26, Aug. 29: solicitors, Davidson and Bradbury. Weavers' Hall, Basinghall Street; official assignee, Lee, Moorgate Street- JAMES ROWLEY, Shoreditch, commission-agent, July 25, Aug. 29; solicitor, Finney, Farah al's Inn; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-TIMOTHY JOHN Smivii, Windsor, dealer in cutlery, July 26, Aug. 29: solicitor, Wilson, Gresham Street ; official assignee, Lee, Moorgate Street- WILLIA1H Sims,St. George's Square, Pimlico, builder, July 26, Aug. 29: solicitor, Smith, New Inn, Strand ; official assig- nee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-James DAVID JONES and Cremes Grum, Cheapside, tavern-keepers, July 25, Aug. 29 : solicitor, Pearce, Giltspur St. official assignee, Ed- wards, Sambrook Ct.- Thomas and SAMCEL ARCHER, BIITSIeln, tailors, July 31, Aug. 21: solicitor, Smith. Birmingham; official assignee, Bittleston, Birmingham -Simms's: H. Camas, Shrewsbury, wine-merchant, July 31, Aug. 21 : solicitors, Weeks, Lincoln's Inn Fields; Hodgson, Birmingham; official assignee, ,Whitmore, Birmingham- Iismwe ROBBRA, Dudley, grocer, July 31, Aug. 21: solicitors, Bolton, Dudley; Mot- teram and Knight, Birmingham : official assignee, Bittleston, Birmingham-CORNE- LIUS Trams, Birmingham, nail-manufacturer, July 2$, Aug. 17: solicitor, Hayes, Wolverhampton ; official assignee, Christie, Birmingliam-WILLtAm and MARY ANN 'WHITEHEAD, Leicester, innkeepers, July 25, Aug. 22 : solicitors, Spooner, Leicester; Bonner; Birmingham; official assignee, Harris, Nottiughaul-JAmes ECRLEY PROM- TER, St. Columb Minor, Cornwall, shipowner, July 25, Aug. 24: solicitors, Gurney and Cowlard, Launceston ; Stogdon, Exeter; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter- Geotosa Honsom, Leeds, grocer, July 27, Aug. 21 : solicitor, Middleton, Leeds ; official assignee, Young, Leeds.

DIVIDENDS.-Aug. 4, Churchill, Dedington, Oxfordshire, scrivener-Aug. 4, Mar- tin, Halstead, Essex, iron-manufacturer-Aug. 4, Elliott, Aylesbury, grocer - Aug. 4, Hutchens, Portsea, timber-merchant-Aug. 10, LleweRin, Bristol, haberdasher- Aug. 10, Gray, Bath, provision-merchant-Aug. 7, Morbury and Bindloa, Manches- ter, silk-manufacturers-Aug. 8, Fuller, Plixton, Lancashire, logwood-grinder- Aug. 8, Law, Ramsdeu Wood, Todmorden, cotton-spinner-Aug. 9, Marsden and Clayton, Rochdale, cotton-manufacturers-Aug. 8, Watson and Kingston, Roch- dale, mercers- Aug. 8, Waddington junior, Wigan, draper-Aug. 25, Taylor, Bir- mingham, coal-dealer.

CERTIFICATES.- To le granted, unless cause be shown to the c, atrary, on the day of meeting.-Aug. 4, Burton, Winchester, cow-keeper-Aug. 4, Amey, West Tarring, Sussex, market-gardener-Aug. 10, Peniaton, Tetmineter, Doreetshire, railway- contractor-Aug. 10, Gribbell and Luscombe, Tavistock, grocers-Aug. 14, Trebil- cock, Plymouth, boot-maker-Aug. 7, Coultate and Swindells, Manchester, brokers -Aug. 5, Burgin, Sheffield, tailor.

DECLARATIONS or DIVIDENDS.-Anasinek, Frederick Street, Hampstead Road, brewer; first die. of 2s. 6d. July 20, and three following Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Green, Bevis Marks, clothiers; second div. of ls. 2d. any Wed- nesday, Whitmore, Easinghall Street-Gidden, Faringdon, victualler ; second and final dm of 1 ml. Wednesday next, and tin ee following Wednesdays ; Lee, Moorgate Street-Johnson, High Street, Bloomsbury, bookseller; first die. of 5d. Wednesday next, and three following Wednesdays ; Lee, Moorgate Street-Wilkinson, Open- shaw, Lancashire, builder ; first die. of 5a. Oci. July 2a, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Fraser, Manchester-Iligginbottom, Ashton-under-Lyne, inoney-scrivener ; first die. of 7s. 30. July 25, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Post, Manchester-Meredith, Birmingham, draper ; first div. of 38. 5d. any Thursday; Whitmore, Birmingham- Lynall, Birmingham; first die. oh 31d. any Thursday; Whitmore, Birmingham- Havelock and Robson. Monkwearmouth, ship-builders; first die. of 6s. on the se- parate estate of M. B. Robson, any Saturday ; Baker, Newcastle-upou-Tyne. Scoren SEQUESTRATIONS.-.RObb, Forfar, draper, July 25-Notman, Edinburgh, builder, July 27-Jamieson and Co. Borrowstounness, Linlithgow, potters, July 25.