15 JANUARY 1831, Page 9


THE elevation of Lord BROUGHAM has been a sore trial to Sir EDWARD SUGDEN ; it has quite spoiled, his temper. • While he was pleading yesterday, the Chancellor occasionally bent down his head to take a note of the argument, and also of the cases referred to, and, once, to put his signature to an official paper. When the Chancellor's pen began, the barrister's tongue stopped. The pauses were at length so marked as to call for his Lordship's notice. He asked Sir Edward to proceed, but Sir EDWARD demurred ; he en- treated him, and Sir EDWARD sat down, pouting most outrage- ously. As the Ex-Solicitor-General would prefer his humour to his client's interests, we hope he returned his fee. If he .will be dumb, he has no right to take pay for speaking.

By the way, did Sir EDWARD' SUGDEN ever find occasion to behave with so little courtesy to Lord Chancellor Eenosr'or Lord Chancellor Ivenotruasr ? and does not the learned counsel read briefs totally unconnected with the case in hand, pending the argument of his opponent, to which he is to reply ?