15 JANUARY 1831, Page 8



The following will be the subjects of examination in the week of Lent term, /822. —1. The Goepel of St. Mark. 2. Paley's Evidences of Christianity. 3. The Third and Fourth Books of Xenophon's Anabasis. 4. The First Book a Virgil's Georgies.

The subject of the Seatonian prize poem for the present year is, David playing the harp before Saul. (I Sam. xvi. e3.) And the examinrs have given notice, that should any poem appear to possess distinguished merit, a premium of one hundred pounds will be adjudged. OXFORD.

JAN. 15.—Yesterday the following Degrees were conferred :—Masters of Arts —F. Calvert, Fellow of Merton. Grand Compounder—Hon. J. S. Wortley, Fellow of Merton--,I. D. Chambers, Oriel--Bachelors of Arts—T. 11. Nayler, Magdalen Hall—C. D. Strongf Magdalen Hall—G. Pinhorn, St. Edmund Hull—J. R. R. Hum- frys, St. Edmund Hall.