15 JANUARY 1831, Page 8



On the let inst. at Dan-y-Graig House, Newton, Glamorganshire, the lady of the Bey. DERRY ELLIOT (IRAHAM,Of a SOB.

On the 9th inst. at Lincoln, the lady of the Honourable ALEXLEr,5ls LastotE Ms xviLia, of a son.

On the 10th inst. Mrs. W. NOBLE, of twin sons.

On the 6th inst. the lady of THOMAS svarimrosr, Esq. of the Grove, Richmond. Yorkshire, of a son.

On the 6th inst. at Cheltenham, the lady of Herm Owing, Esq. M.P. of a daughter.

On the 9th inst. the lady of Sir W. G. H. JOLLIFFH, Bart. of a daughter.


On the 6th Inst. at Tottenham, ASTLEY, eldest son of William Henry Holt, Esq. of Enfield, to JANE, daughter of the Rev. Edward Heathcote, of Chesterfield. On the 11th Inst. at St. George's, Hanover Square. the Rev. CHARLES AUGUSTUS STEWART, of Ewhurst, Surry, to Mrs. DE LANCY BARCLAY, of Tillingbourne, in the same county. At St. Mary's, Dover, Monsieur Juzes Fortwollt, of the 11th Regt. of Foot,. to MARY, widow of the late Dr. Harman Cochrane, R.N. only daughter of the late Richard Gore Esq. of Surnville, in King's County, Ireland. On the 11th inst. at Hendon Church, the Rev. JOHN JAMES, junior, son of John James, Esq. of ',Orley, Gloucestershire, to Miss WILBERFORCE, daughter of Wil- liam Wilberforce, Esq.


On the 4th inst. at Thirkleby, Yorkshire, Sir TtionAs PRANELA.ND, Bart. F.R.S. F.L.S. F.H.S. in his 81st year, On the 3rd inst. after a fortnight's severe suffering, from an affection of the brain, JOHN WELLS, youngest son of Captain Hire, U.N. On the 4th inst. at his house, Richmond Terrace, Clifton, Lieutenant-General BRIGHT, late of the Royal Marines, and many years Commandant of the Plymouth Division, in his 91st year. On the 2nd inst. near Dublin, Viscountess MASSEREENE, lady of the Right Hon. Lord Ferrard.

On the 9th inst. at her house, No. 7, Stratford Place, CHARLOTTE, Baroness de Roos, widow of the late Lord Henry Eitzgerald, in her 60th year. At Cowdray Park, Sussex, ELIZABETH MARY, wife of William S. Poyntz, Esq. At Newcastle, Longford, the Hon. Miss LoursA KING, youngest daughter of the Right Hon. Lord Viscount Lorton, in her 10th year. On the 7111 inst. Mrs. JULIA PRAND, of Queen Square, Bath, in her 74th year. On the 5th inst. at her house in Upper Seymour Street, Fortnum Square, Mrs. ANN MARRIOTT, in her 83rd year. On the 7th Inst. at Brussels, AUGUSTUS THOMAS, third son of Sir John Morris, Bart. of Skelty Park, Glamorgaushire. • On the 23rd Dec. at her house in Hyde Park Place' Mrs. Peace mother of tin) Duchess of Cannizzarro, late Countess St. Antonio, In her 86th year. On the 30th Dec. at Caledon, Rosette. CR-OTHERS, ill-his 103rd year.

On the 10th inst. at the Episcopal Palace, the Lord Bishop of Coair.

On the 8th inst. at Swinnerton Hall, in the county of Stafford,MAer, daughter of the Hon. James Dormer, younger son ofLord John Dormer, in her b9th year. On the 14th Inst. in Portland Place, Sir -CaAiteEs JosetuA Swim, bart.'of Sat- tons, Essex, In hie 30th year.