15 JANUARY 1831, Page 16


A CORRESPONDENT supplies the following, additions to the list of Place- men and Pensioners, members of Parliament or nearly conneeted with

them :—

Vernon, Granville Venables Judge of the Exchequer, and Prerogative 1. s. d. 1. s. d.

Courts of the See of York 2848 16 3 Judge in the Consistory and Chancery Courts 2191 19 9 . Total during three years 5040 15 0

Average annually 1690 5 0 b. F.gerton V. Vernon, Registrar of time first

two Courts above mentioned ' 5327 6 3 Registrar of the last two 2279 14 4

7607 0 7

One third 2535 13 6}

Though the above offices are ecclesiastical, the emoluments are derived from fees in business in which every one is interested,—viz. on all testamentary proceedings, besides other ecclesiastical jurisdiction, and the amount of ditty is small. The above emoluments are taken from returns moved for by Mr. PROTHEttoE,relating to Ecclesiastical Courts.

Similar offices are held by the sons of the Speaker of the House of Commons in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. By a strange omission, either of the printer or of the parties who ought to have made the return, the enormous amount of their fees is not given. The offices are held for several lives.