15 FEBRUARY 1840, Page 10



The news received during the week from China and America has been of a very unsatisfactory character. It is considered that the next arrivals will bring intelligence of the establishment of a blockade of the Chinese ports by our naval force ; and as the American vessels are now trading in great numbers at Canton, it is feared that they may, as in 1812 and 1813, insist upon their rights as neutrals to be allowed free access to the blockaded port, and thus time irrita- tion now existing between the two countries may be materially aggravated, These circumstances, in conjunction with the discussions that have taken place in Parliament upon the subject of the Debt, have produced an untitvourable effect upon the Public Securities ; and most of the Government Funds are to-day 1, per cent. below the prices of' last week. Exchequer Bills have also declined. about Is., and are to-day at 8s. to 10s. premium. The inability of the United States Bank to pay a dividend for the half-year just ended, had pro- dated a considerable decline in hs shares at New York ; and these securities were yesterday done as low as 171. upon our Exchange, being a depression of about 21. There appears to be a trilling demand thr American State Stocks; but the prices have not improved. The Scrip of the -United States Bank Loan has, however, been done at 8 prem.

In the Foreign Market, there has been seine improvement in Dutch Two- and-a-half per Cents. ; which, in consequence of an advance in Amsterdam, were on Wednesday at 53. But the decline of the English Ponds has again depressed the market, and the price is to-day 54. The other Northern Stocks arc unchanged.

Brazilian Bonds continue firm, with but little doing.

Columbian hove declined 1 per cent., because the Commissioner, M. Mos- QUEltA, states he cannot ratify the arrangement which the Committee were led to consider as finally concluded with hiM, without first submitting it to his government. The last advices from Mexico are of a favourable character : the Govern- ment were rigidly observing the stipulations of their agreement with the Bond- holders, by pitting aside a portion of the ditties received at the Customhouse to meet the accruing dividends upon the Stock. The depression of the English Funds, has, however, prevented any improvement in the Bonds. Portuguese Securities are without material variation. Spanish Bonds have improved from to), per cent, upon our last quotations. The purchases that have tbreed up the prices arc understood to have been made by parties who, in conjunction with M. Or vnAttn, are now in negotia- tion for a loan with the Government of Madrid. The terms of the intended contract have not transpired, but they must hold out great advantages to tempt even the most sanguine capitalist.


The English Funds are rather firmer this morning, Consols being quoted at 005 both for Money and Account. India Stock is at NM, and Bank Stock 178. The premium upon Exchequer Bills has improved Is., and is Os. to 11s. In the Foreign Market, Russian Bonds have been done at Ilk ; and as there are buyers at that price, the quotation 's now 1151 to 116)2. Continued put- chases.liave completely absorbed this sit el:, and it is very rarely that any of it is brought to market ; but when it is offered for sale, it is generally purchased above the current price. It appears that the government have no power to pay it off at par, and hence its extraordinary price. The only other variation m the Foreign Funds is in Spanish Act've Stock, which is lower, viz. 27b,k, in consequence of a decline of' ;lr per cent• ii the price of it in Paris on Thursday.

3 per Cent. Consults

;Mt .1.

Brazilian 5 per Cents 78+ 1

Ditto tt.r Aceomit 901 1

1,,,.]...am 5 per Cents

102 3 alter Cent. Reduced 914 1 Columbian Ii per Cents. 1824 251 8# 31 per Cent. Ditto 994

Danish 3 per Cents.

764 71

New 34 per Cents

98t I

Dutch 2,1 per Cents 523 3

Bank Stock 178 Portugtiet.e liegeney 5 per Cts 333 41 Exchequer Bills 9 11 pin. Ditto 3 per Cents 231 * India Stock for Account 2481 Russian 5 per Cents 1151 1161

Spanish (Active)

27 k *