[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I am out of
health at present, so sent the question suggested in a recent issue of the Spectator to Sir Park Goff and Sir Charles Starmer, two of the candidates for the Cleve- land Division, accompanied in each case by a covering letter and stamped addressed envelope. I have had no reply from Sir Charles Starmer. Sir Park Goff has sent the enclosed :- Question : Will you, if elected to Parliament, do your best to secure the passage at an early date of a Referendum Bill, under which Bills of importance can, if demanded by not less than one- third of the House of Commons, be submitted to a Poll of the People ? Reply : I think Referendum both useful and economical and particularly valuable because confusion would be avoided owing
to elimination of side issues. PARK Con'.
—I am, Sir, &c., C. W. LITTLEBOY.
The Woodlands, Saltburn-by-the-Sea.