The Snow-Queen, and oilier Tales from Hans Andersen. (Edward Arnold.)—The
success which attended the publication last year of the first series of Hans Andersen's "Fairy-Tales," illustrated by Miss M. E. A Lemann, has led to an issue of a fresh series, illustrated by the same artist. So we have again a most exquisite book, containing, among other fairy-stories, "The Snow-Queen," "The Loving Pair," "The Goloshes of Happiness," "The Old Street-Lamp," and "The Happy Family." It is quite possible that all, indeed most, children will not understand Hans Ander- son's epigrammatic philosophy couched in such sentences as " Eyery corpse is a sphinx of immortality." Happily it is not necessary that they should ; philosophy or no philosoplay, Andersen goes straight to the heart. We have not seen a more beautiful selection from his stories than this, The illustrations cannot be praised too highly.