My Greatest Adventure, by Captain Malcolm Campbell (Thornton Butterworth, 6s.)
is something of a surprise. Most people would have been prepared to bet that they knew what Sir Malcolm's greatest adventure was, but they would have been wrong. It was searching for pirate treasure on Cocos Island. The main attraction of the island is the treasure of Lima, which includes a life-size statue of the Virgin and Child in gold, but there are two other treasures buried somewhere
on it, and all of them would be enough to make the finder rich for life. The expedition in which Sir Malcolm took part encoun- tered many of the usual phenomena, including the proverbial had luck attending hunters of this particular treasure, sharks, mosquitoes, and the confirmation of clairvoyants after the event that the search had been justified, even if unsuccessful. It is all extremely good, though not always too comfortable fun, and Sir Malcolm intends to do it again. We hope he will let us hear the result.