15 APRIL 1876, Page 2

Sir H. Wolff, on Tuesday, took advantage of a vote

in Supply to bring up the question of the Suez Canal once more. He objected to certain arrangements said to have been made between Colonel Stokes and M. de Lesseps, and wanted more power for England in the government of the Canal. The Chan- cellor of the Exchequer in his reply stated that Sir H. Wolff, though very competent to form an opinion on the Canal, did not know all that was going on, and he should not tell him. No

alteration could be made in the statutes of the Company without the consent of the Khedive, and as to power, he did not believe that the agency through which England exercised her influence mattered much. Mr. Goschen was in favour of renewing the old arrange- ment, under which the different nationalities would have seated eleven members out of thirty-two, but the debate ended in nothing, except in showing that there is nothing more to be said. All that is to be inferred from it is, that the Government is still discussing with the Sultan, the Khedive, a. F possibly France and Italy, some plan for the management of the Canal.