BRITISH PUND8. (Closing Prices.)
&Hurd. Monday. Tuesday. Trednes. Thurs. IFriday.
3 per Cent Consols
Ditto for Account 3 per Cents Reduced 31 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock, 9 per Cent India Stock. 101 per Cent Exchequer Bills, Id. per diem India Bonds 31 per Cent FOREIGN FUNDS.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Thursday Evening.) Austrian 6 p. Ct. — Mexican 3 p. CL Belgian 41 - — Mississippi 6 - Ditto 21 - — New York s - Brazilian 6 - 934 Peruvian 41 - Buenos Ayres 6 - as Portuguese 6 - Chili= 6 - 99j Ditto. s - Danish 6 - — Russian 6 - Ditto 3 - — Ditto 41 - Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) ..21 - 561 Sardinian 6 -
Ditto 4 -- 854 Spanish a -
French 3 - Sit. 76e. Ditto New Deferred 3 Ditto 41 - 90f. 60c. Ditto (Passive) Massachusetts (Sterling) .5 - — Venesuela 34 - SHARES.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Thursday Evening.)
Bristol and Exeter 90 Australasian Caledonian 63 British North American Edinburgh and Glasgow 56 Colonial
Eastern Counties 124 Commercial of London
Great Northern 851 London and Westminster
Great South. and West. Ireland.. 90 London Chartd. link. of Australia
Great Western 721 London Joint Stock Hull and Selby — National of Ireland Lancashire and Yorkshire 61 National Provincial Lancaster and Carlisle — Provincial of Ireland London, Brighton, & South Coast. 974 Union of Australia London and Blacksrall 8 Union of Loudon London and North-western 951 Mune-- Midland 68 Brazilian Imperial Midland Great Western (Ireland) — Ditto (Bt. John del Rey) North British 30 Cobre Copper Oxford, Wor. a nd Wolverhamp 29 Colonial Gold Scottish Central 83 Nouveau Monde South-eastern and Dover • 581 MISCELL•21.0.--
London and South-western 764 Australian Agricultural
York, Newcastle, and Berwick... 641 Canada York and North Midland 454 Crystal Palace DOCKS- General Steam East and West India 104 Peel River Land and Mineral .. London 96 Peninsular and Oriental Steam.
St. Katherine — Royal Mall Steam Victoria South Australian 73 so
34 154 934 644 314 30 301 65 20 44 56 69
214 871 87/ 864 871 41 a 881 es 871 564 4/ 215 4 es es 061 ex d. 871 cad. 41 cad. 11141 ad.
8851 se es
213 6 3 dn.
8 87 87 216l 224 4 2
61 92 SO 79 361 171
221ex a.
An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and Ste Victoria, cap. 32, for the Week ending on
Saturday, the 8th day of April 1854.
TSB Notes issued £27,379,605 Government Debt E11,016,100 Other Securities 3,904.100 Gold Coin and Bullion 13,379,605 Silver Bullion £27,379,605 07,379,605 SADILIMIN flFASTXSNT.
Proprietors' Capital £14,653,000 Rest 3,151,657 Public Deposits' 2,683,754 Other Deposits 13,519,988 Seven Day and other Bills 1,177,753 Government Securities (in- clude g Dead Weightdrinnity) f13,935.132 - Othe Securities 17.720.271 Notes 4,960,755 Gold and Silver Coln 760,994
£35,389,152 £35,399,152
• Including Exchequer, Savings-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt. & Dividend elect.
BULLION. Per oz. METALS. Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard ....IA 17 9 Copper, British Oak/sang 0 Foreign Goldin Coin,Portugal Pieces 0 0 0 Iron, Welsh Ban 0 0 New Dollars 0 5 Ol Lead, British Pig 24 10 Silverin Bars,Standard 0 6 11 Steel, Swedish Keg... 16 0 Per ton.
0 0 0 0 0., 0 0 0 0 ..25 100. 0.. 0 0 0
GRAIN, Mark Lane, April 12.
Rye 48 to 50
Barley 33 - 35
Malting 38-40 Malt, Ord 60-61 Fine 64-07 Peas, Reg 40-46 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales.
Wheat.... 77s. 34. I Rye 50s. 44.
Barley.... 37 11 Beans 45 1 Oats 27 2 Peas 46 9 FLOUR.
Town made per sack 65s. to 73..
Seconds 62 - 66 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 55 - 63 Norfolk and Stockton 66 - 68 American per barrel 37 - 43 Canadian 37 - 43 Bread, 94. to 1014. the 41b. loaf.
Kent Pockets 103.. to 168s. Choice ditto 100 - 126
Sussex ditto 105 - 130
Farnhara ditto 0 - 0
Rape Oil per cwt. ill 3 0
Refined 15
Linseed 011 2 0 6 Linseed Oil-Cake per 1000 16 0 0 Candles, per Jaren 70.04. to 78.11.1.
Moans, per dozen Or. Od. to 7s. ild. Coals, Hetton 18.. Or'.
Tees Me. Od.
Maple 44 to 48 White 51-60 Boilers al-SO Beans, Ticks 42-47 Old 47-52 Indian Cern 41-48
WEEKLY AVERAGE. Per the Week ending April 8.
Wheat .... 73s. M. Rye Barley 30 1 Beans 44 3 Oats 36 II Peas 43 1 PROVISIONS.
Butter--Best Fresh, 113e. Od. per doe. Carlow, 01 Os. to Of. Os. per cwt.
Bacon, Irish per cwt. 56.. to 60/. Cheese, Cheshire 18 - 70 Derby Plain SO - 68
H1/111a, York 74 - 81
Eggs, French, per 120.4s. 6d. to 6..34 HEAD Or Corral AT Saisanictn.
Friday. Monday. Beasts. 687 4.495 Sheep . 7,290 23.010
Calves. 348 130 Pigs • .. 240 310
Wheat,R.New 70 to 75 Fine 75 -82 Old 0 - 0 White 0- 0 Fine 0-0 Super. New. 0- 0
• e. I. Oats, Peed .. 27 to 30 Fine .. 30 - 31
Poland 28 - 31 Fine 31 - 32 Potato..., 31-32 Fine .. 32-33
s. d.
Beef .. 2 8 to 3 6 to 3 10 .... 9 to 4 to 4 0 Mutton. 3 0 - 3 8 - 4 0 .... 3 -4 - 6 0 Veal,, 3 4 - 4 - 2 .... 4 -5 -510 Pork 3 8 - 4 4 - 4 8 .... 4 -4 -410 Lamb., 5 8 - 6 8 - 7 4 .... 6 -o -7 4
• To sink the offal,' er 3 lb. 'WOOL.
Down and half bred Hogs per lb. 1414. to 164. Wether and Ewe 141 - 16 . Leicester Hogget and Wether 11 - 12
Shin Combing 10 - 11 HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)
Hay, Good 110.. to 116a 103s. to 104o. 00s. to 102s. Inferior 43 - 90 73 - 33 0 - 0
New 0 - 0 0 - 0 43 - 84
Clover 110 -126 118 -120 90 -126
Wheat Straw 43 - 48 32 - 42 33 -42
GROCERIES. Tea, Sonchong, fine,per lb.. Ir. 14.10 2l. 6d. Cengou, fine 1 6 1 10
Pekoe, flowery 1 4 -- 8
• In Bond-Duty ls 104. per lb. Coffee, fine (in bond) per cwt. 62s. to Ns. Od. Good Ordinary 46s. - 461. 0 .
Sugar, Muscovado, per cwt 24s. 744 West India Molasses 17e. Oel. to 1116.6".