15 APRIL 1854, Page 11



Ministerial Bills, and tlos Stage arrived at

Law of -Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) To Select Committee..

Powers of Leasing (Ireland) Ditto. Tenants Improvements Compensation (Ireland) Ditto. Second Common Law Procedure-1854 Ditto.

Testamentary Jurisdiction Gone to the Commons.

Non Ministerial.

Leasing Powers (Ireland) Earl of DrIboughmore's To Select Committee.

Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Ditto Ditto. Law of Landlord and Tenant Con- I Marquis of Clanri- Ditto.

solidation (Ireland) carde's Compensation for Tenants' Improve- Lord Dufferin's Ditto. mente(lrehind) Church Building Acts Amendment Earl of Harrowby's Read a second time. Benefices Augmentation Bishop of London's... Ditto. Chimney-sweepers Earl of Shaftesbury's.. Ditto. Registration of Bills of Sale Earl of Itarrowby'S.... Gone to the Commons Pew-Rents Bishop of London's ... Read a first time.

Lord Lyttelton s Earl of Donoughmore's Lord Brougham's Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Lord-Campbell's

Select Committee.

National System of Education in Ireland Earl of Eglinton.

H. THE COMMONS. Ministerial Bills.

Assessed Taxes Act Amendment Received Royal Assent.

Consolidated Fund, 8;000,0001 Ditto.

Exchequer Bills, 1,750,0001 Ditto. Marine Mutiny Ditto.

Mutiny Ditto. Coasting Trade Ditto.

Parliamentary Representation Withdrawn. Poor-law: to abolish Compulsory Removal Ditto. Bribery &a To Select Committee. Controverted Elections Ditto.

Parliamentary Oaths Read a &et time.

Education (Scotland) Ditto.

Merchant Shipping, Dittos-

Merchant Shipping Acts Repeal Ditto.

Wreck and -Salvage Ditto.

Registration of Births, &e. (Scotland) Ditto; Holyhead-Harbour: to vest in Admiralty DittoSpufn Pbiut (Humber) " Ditto. Dablin Carriage Ditto. Canterbury Bribery Prevention Ditto.

Four others for Cambridge, Barnstaple, Kings- I Ditto.

ten-upon-Hull, and Maldon Oilurd 'University Beth a secmd time. Railway, and Canal Traffic Regulation Ditto. Baundary S"urvey (Ireland) Ditto. ChurelisSuilding Acts Amendment Ditto... Dublin Port Ditto.

Valuation of Lands (Scotland) Recommitted: Tbwns-Improvement (Ireland) Ditto. Colonial Clergy Disabilities In Committee. Devonport and Keybana• Tunnel Waits third reading.

Income-tax Gone to the Lords:-

Ministers-Money (Ireland) Dittos

Valuation (Ireland.) Act Amendment. Ditto..

Inspector of Nuisances Metropolitarr Building Act Amend- I ment Declaratory Suits

Conveyance of Real Property- Act

Amendment Bankruptcy and Insolvency (Scot- / land) Bills of Exchange Arbitration Law Amendment County Court Extension Act Expla- nation Unauthorized Negotiations with Foreign States ... Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto.

Read a second time. To Select Committee: Ditto.

Gone to the Commons Read a first time.

Church..11uilding Acts,Ceeuttirmance ........ Ditto.

Commons Encl.:afore Ditto; Vacating of Seats Not brought in. Public Revenue and Consolidated Fund Charges. Ditto. Gaming-Houses Ditto.

Select Committees.

Small Arms.

Conveyance of Mails by Railways.

Election Committees.

Liverpool_ Petitionwithdrawn.

Sligo—Mr. John Sad leir duly elected, Dungarvon—Mr. Maguire duly elected. Louth—(not yet decided.)

.Non-Afinisterial Bills.

Episcopal and Capitular Estates ... Marquis of Blandford's 'Read a first time. Stannaries Court Mr. Collier's No. 2.,.. Ditto.

Hustings Expenses Mr. litune's Ditto.

Witnesses (to compel attendance).. Mr. I. Butt's Ditto.

Public Prosecutors Mr. John Phillimore's. Ditto.

Tenants Compensation (Ireland) Mr. Sergeant Shee's... Ditto.

Property Qualification Mr. Tufnell's Ditto.

Highways (District Surveyors) Mr. Frewen's Ditto.

Declarations Mr. Pellatt's Ditto.

Property Disposal Mr. Whiteside's Ditto.

Mortmain Mr. Ileadlam's Ditto,

Carlisle Caoonries Air. Fergin.on's Ditto.

Bankruptcy (Ireland.) Mr. Cairns's Ditto. Piers and Harbours (Scotland) No. 2 Sir A. Campbell's Ditto. Criminal Conversation Air. Bowyer's Ditto.

Criminal Procedure Mr. A glionby's Ditto.

Burgh Boundaries (Scotland) Mr. Bouverie's Ditto, Real Estate Charges Mr. Locke King's .... Ditto.

Drainage of Lands Mr. Ker Seymer's .... Ditto.

Medical Practitioners Mr, Brady's Read a second time.

Improvement of Towns (Ireland)... Mr. Ross Moore's Ditto. Absconding Debtors (Ireland) Air. Napier's Ditto. Friendly Societies Mr. Sotheron's In Committee. Bribery Prevention Sir Fitzroy Kelly's.... To Select Committee. Payment of Wages Mr. C. Forster's Ditto.

Payment of Wages (Hosiery) Sir H. Halterd's Ditto.

Judgment Executions Mr. Craufurd's Ditto. Highways (South Wales) Si,- Joseph Bailey's.... Gone to the Lords. High Treason (Ireland) Mr. Whiteside's Ditto.

Irish Fisheries Mr. APMalion's ) Lost on second i reading.

Succession to Real Estate! Mr. Locke King's .... Ditto. 1 Mr. Robert. Philli- 1 Ditto. Simony Law Amendment I more's Vestries Mr. Evelyn's Ditto.

Public Libraries and Museums .... Mr. Ewart's Ditto.

Uniform Assessment Mr. Peto's Withdrawn.

Select Committees.

Parliamentary Papers: mode of distribution.... Mr. Tufnell. Mr. Somers's complaint about Sligo Election 1

Mr. I. Butt. (reported) Business of the House : how to facilitate Sir John Pakington.

Calumnious reflections on Irish Members. M t.

r. I. But

Portuguese Claims: case of Voile, Shortndge, 1 Mr. Thomas Chambers.

and Co Accidents in Coal-Mines Mr. Hutchins.

Public-houses Mr. William Brown.

Dublin Hospitals Mr. Grogan. Metropolitan Bridges Mr. Oliveira.

Conventual and Monastic Institutions (not vet

-• 1 Mr. Thomas Chambers.


Irish Grand Juries Mr. Macartney.

Inns of Court (by Royal Commission) Mr. Napier. Emigration-Ships Mr. John O'Connell. Ventilation of the House Mr. Spooner.

Case of Henry Stoner Mr. Moore. The preceding list comprises 46 bills promoted by Ministers in both Houses, and 53 promoted by "independent" Members. Of the Ministerial Bills, 6 have received the Royal Assent, 2 have been withdrawn ; leaving 38 in progress. Of the Non-Ministerial Bills, 6 have been lost; leaving 47 in progress. Of the Select Committees, one has made its report. The voting of the Miscellaneous Estimates will form an important part of the business yet to be disposed of. Several estimates necessary for carrying into effect the improved mode of accounting for the revenue, and of simpli- fying the national bookkeeping generally, will appear for the first time.


OXFORD UNIVERSITY BILL—Committee; Thursday, April 27. (Lord Scala Res- SELL.) AMENDMENT—That the Bill be committed to a Select Committee. (Mr. HET- woon.) CONVENTUAL AND MONASTIC INSTITUTIONS—Adjourned debate on Nomination of Committee ; Thursday, April 27. (Mr. THOMAS CHAMBERS.) Pratte Pnosscuroas BILL—Second reading ; Thursday, April 27. (Mr. Joni,:


POOR REMOVAL—Select Committee to inquire into the operation of the law of Removeability as regards the Poor of the Three Kingdom.; Thursday, April V. (Mr. BArsurs.) Betimes &c.—Bill to consolidate and amend the Las's; Thursday, April 27. (Mr.


CANTERBURY BRIBERY PREVENTION BILL (and the four others)—Second reading; Friday, April 28. (Mr. ArroaNar-GENERAL.) RAILWAY AND CANAL TRAFFIC REGULATION BILL—Committee; Monday, May I. (Mr. CARDWF.LL.) COLONIAL CLERGY DISABILITIES BILL—Committee (resumed) ; Monday, May 1. (Mr. SOLICITOR-GENERAL.) MORTMAIN BILL—Second reading; Wednesday. May 3. (Mr. DEADLAM.) MERCHANT SHIPPING BILL—Second reading ; Thursday, May 4. (Mr. CARDWELL.) MERCHANT Sitternro Acrs REPEAL BILL—Second readibg; Thursday, May 4. (Mr. CARDWELL.) Steno Aars—Committee; Thursday, May 4. (Mr. CHANCELLOR of the Excite- ErnELATION (Scoxtaiin) BILL—Second reading; Friday, lfay 5. (LOR.D-ADVOCAT'E.) OATHS BILL—Second reading ; Monday, May 8. (Lord JOHN RUSSELL.) AMENDMENT—That the second reading take place that day six months. (sir


PROPERTY QUALIFICATION BILL—Second reading; Wednesday, May 10. (Mr. Tor- NELL.) REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS, &C. (SCOTLAND) B1LL—Second reading; Tuesday. May 16. (Lord ELcuo.)

The following appear as Notices without date.

BARON BE BODE—" That the national good faith requires that the just claims of the Baron de Bode, established after protracted investigation, should be satis- fied." (Mr. Illownsou CHAMBERs.) BALLOT—Bill to protect Electors. (Mr. HENRY BERKELEY.) FACTORIES—BilI to limit the Hours of Work of women and young persons to ten daily. (Mr. Coaserr.) PUNISHMENT OF DEATH—Total repeal. (Mr. BWART.) Poetic OFFICES—Select Committee to inquire how far a system of examination or other test of efficiency may be adopted or further extended in the case of ap- pointments and promotion of candidates for the different departments of the Public Service. (Mr. RWART.) CHURCH-RATES—Bill to relieve Dissenters. (Mr. Pam.) Pouca—Bill to render more efficient the Police in Counties and Boroughs in England and Wales. (Lord PALMERSTON.) Cuenca TEmeoalarriss (IRELAND)—Bill to- alter and amend. (Mr. Sergeant &Wm)