15 APRIL 1837, Page 15


Geist, Tasterem, RUBINI, and LABLACRE, are released from their Parisian engagement, and have again appeared in our musical hemi- sphere. We have little to add to the bare statement of this fact, ex- cept that they arrive with undiminished powers, and have been welcomed with, if possible, increased enthusiasm. I Paritani was chosen for their debut ; " au opera," says the Times, "which, although feeble, it would be impertinent to criticize." 1Vith no disposition to enter a second time on the ungracious task, we 'nest be allowed to say that the finest singing is hut a pour substitute for trashy musie. There is no musician hut must groan at such is prostitution of talent. Le No: :u di Figaro, with the secoud-rate company of the Lyceum, im- parted a gratification immeasurably superior to the noisy vulgarity of BEI.I.TNI'S opera, though set off with the united powers of the nest singers of Italy. The we are of the minority. Well, it is not the first time; and eve submit with patient resignation for the reign of Reseurd wit ore and we is Mg sense."