14 SEPTEMBER 1844, Page 20


The Royal Admiral, Garbutt, from Newport to Aden, is wrecked upon the Prong, near Colaba Light-house; tnaterials saved ; ship and cargo lost. The Candahar, from China, has beau totally wrecked near Bombay. The Camieu, Barrett, from Liverpool to Calcutta, is wrecked on the Miter,. off Itedgeree.

The Amelia. from Sydney to MauiIla, was totally lost on the 30th April; the owner and five of the crew drowued.

ARRIVED-At Gravesend. 7th Sept. Thomas Snook. Laing, from the Cape; 11th, John Witt, Donovan, form China; and bower. Reddingtott, from Calcutta; and 12th, Anna Robertson, Hutchinanu. from ditto In the Downs. ditto.Oriental, Wardle, from China; Lucy Sharp, M-Fie, from Manilla; Benares, Gilkison ; and Wintlifreil. Webb, from Calcutta; and Devonshire. Stevens. from Batavia. At Cowes. 10th. Gauges. Walker. from Batavia. Off the Wight, 12th. Vixen. Hippenstall, from Mauritius. Off Torbay, 11th. Bombay. Farley, from China. Off Penzauce. 11th. Sultana, Lyall, from Sydney. At Liverpool, Ith. Reliance. Kemp, from Bombay ; 8th. Corinna. Bray ; and Superb. Short, from Calcutta ; 9th. Magnificent. Whitty. from Bombay ; 10th. Kingston Burt. from Calcutta; Ocean Bride. -; and Rosalind. Gale. from Bombay ; 12th, Isahe la. Gray from Singapore; and Watkins. Whiteside. from Cal- cutta. In the Clyde. Nth. Mount Stuart Elphinstone, Lawton. from Bombay. At Mauritius. 1st June, Derwent, -, from London; and Grange. Cook, from the Clyde. AtAden, previous to 19th Aug. Ida. Silk ; and Chance, nand, from London; Mary Ann. Eadie, from the Clyde; Lord Stauley, Dodds; aud Emma. Hartley. from Newcastle. At Bombay. previous to 31st July, Inchiunan, M -Arthur ; Colombo, Thompson; Rosebery, Young; and John Knox. Cleland, from London ; Alecto, A-Ilford; Anna Armstrong, Graham; Britannia, Gelativ ; Thomas Sparks, Matches; Wild Irish Girl, Graham; and John M-Vicar. M-Leod. from Liverpool ; Hantiali Kerr, al-K inlay. from the Clyde; Monarch. Robert-on, from Leith ; Loisauder. Sangster: and Wood. man, Good, from Newcastle. Al Colombo. 30th June. Suntan a. Duncan, from London. At Galle, 17th May, Stork, Miller, from Newcastle. At Madras, previous to 18th

J uly, Anna Robertson, Munro; Mellish, Fawcett; and Marion. Guthrie, from London ; Earl of Flarewoud, Atkin ; aud Genital. Cuhitt. from Liverpool ; and Martha. Gable, from Newcastle. At Calciloa. previous to 16th July, Calder, Campbell ; Walmer Castle, Campbell ; Lady Rowena, Miller; Thomas Lee, Woof; Lord ilungerford, Pigott; Earl of Durham. Longridge; Pekin. Laing; Sciudian. Terry ; and Poicliers, Denny, from Loudon; Abbotsford. Auckland, from Newpolt; Princess Royal, Hood- less ; President, Granby; Camana, Headless; Meg of Mehlon, Bleasdale ; Ripley, Robertson ; Isis. Fisher; Theodosia. Carrick; mid Fatima. Wilson. from Liverpool; Lady Bute. al`Kinlay ; and Scotland. Cunningham, from the Clyne; and Amazon. Johnston. from Newcastle. At Singapore, 10th May. Mary Ann. Marshall. from the Clyde ; C. C.. Culls. from London ; 13th. Marquis Douru, Wooduorth. from ditto; and Frances Ants. Wardle. from Liverpool; 160. Syria. Sim:ran; and 15th. Dryad, Hamm from ditto. At Batavia, pre, ions to 23d May, Shepherdess. - ; and Sussex, -. from London. At China. previous to Illth June. Mary Banuatyne, Picken; City of Derry. Viucent; Palmyra. Campbell ; Alexander Baring. lisle; and G emu, Watt, from London ; Inglewood. Kerr; Uruguay, Kelso; Elvira, Gething ; Tapley, Mackie ; Mary Ann Webb, White; Thomas Lowiy, Graham ; and Liverpool. Mac- dowall, from Liverpool; Countess of Durham, Spittal; aud Christina, Primrose, Bora The CI) de.

SATURDAY MORNING.-ARRivED-In the Downs, 13th Sept. Euphrates. Christmas; and Orpheus. Digliy, from Ceylon ; and Active. Renard, form Bombay. At Liverpool,

d itto. James Matheson. Cushing. from China. At Madras, -. British Empire. -. from London. At Kedgeree, 14th Jnly, Arab, Sumner, from London; and John Ed- ward. from Shields. At Singapore, -, G. H. Harrison. Reed, from Liverpool. At Batavia, Illh May, Margaret Pouter. H Pherson, trona the Clyde. At Hung-kong. 16th ditto Old England, Bland, from Liverpool.