14 OCTOBER 1865, Page 3

Dr. Chapman has had an opportunity of trying his treatment

of cholera by applying ice-bags to the spine at Sou"tanapton, and reports the result of the method in six bad cases, in all of which the coldness of the limbs had Bet in, in an interesting letter to yesterday's Times. In all the cases the ice restored warmth to the limbs, and very much mitigated the sickness and choleraic symp- toms, but in two the patient died from exhaustion in spite of this improvements—in one of which the treatment had been discon- tinued through the intoxication of the nurse. In the other foilr cases theimproved symptoms had either resulted in convalescence,

or in good hope of it. The Southampton authorities are suffi- ciently impressed by the treatment to have provided ice and ice- bags for all who want them, and the Hampdaire Independent asserts that "several people undoubtedly owe their exis' tence " to the new method of treatment.