14 NOVEMBER 1863, Page 3

During the greater portion of the week the markets for

home, foreign, and railway securities have been greatly depressed. Yesterday, however, a better tone generally prevailed, and the quotations improved. In the Foreign House the advance was chiefly confined to Greek, Mexican, Spanish, and Turkish Secu- rities, in which a rally of from 1 to 1 per cent. occurred. International Financial Shares are quoted at 3/ to 4 prem. ; General Credit, 21 to prem. ; London Financial, 5j to 6 prem. ; Hudson's Bay, 11 to 11 dis.; Australian Land and Mort- gage, 1- to I prem. ; and Mortgage Bank of India, 21 to 2i prem. Amongst the new companies started this week is the Crenver and Wheal Abraham Mining Company, which is about to be established for the purpose of purchasing and working several mineral pro- perties in the parish of Crowan, Cornwall. It is also, we observe, proposed to erect a large hotel on the Capstan Hill Parade, Ilfracombe.